Justice Department Reversal on Yale Lawsuit is A Key Victory for Discrimination/Bigotry in Higher Education

The Harris/Biden Administration just normalized discrimination against white and Asian people.  They dropped the lawsuit filed by the Trump Administration to make Yale an honest, racist free University.  Instead a degree from Yale at this point means as much as a degree from Ole Miss in 1960.  If you love discrimination, the Democrats have just made it American policy.

“The Department of Justice announced today that it will be dropping its lawsuit against Yale University, which had alleged the university was discriminating against white and certain Asian American applicants in its admissions process. The following is a statement from David Hinojosa, director of the Educational Opportunities Project at the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law: 

“It’s great to see that America again has a Justice Department that is back in the business of fulfilling its mission of advancing equal educational opportunity and promoting racial diversity. America’s communities of color are filled with highly talented individuals, and affirmative action programs help ensure they are not overlooked when applying to selective institutions of higher education. 

Remember it was the Democrat Party that formed the KKK, created Jim Crow and segregationist laws.  The Democrat Party opposed the freeing of the slaves.  So do not be surprised that Harris/Biden continue the racist legacy of the Democrat Party.

Justice Department Reversal on Yale Lawsuit is A Key Victory for Affirmative Action and Diversity in Higher Education 

Ian Weiner,  Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law,  2/3/21  

(Washington, D.C.) – The Department of Justice announced today that it will be dropping its lawsuit against Yale University, which had alleged the university was discriminating against white and certain Asian American applicants in its admissions process. The following is a statement from David Hinojosa, director of the Educational Opportunities Project at the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law: 

“It’s great to see that America again has a Justice Department that is back in the business of fulfilling its mission of advancing equal educational opportunity and promoting racial diversity. America’s communities of color are filled with highly talented individuals, and affirmative action programs help ensure they are not overlooked when applying to selective institutions of higher education. 
“It has been proven in the courts that race-conscious admissions programs are lawful, and Black students and other students of color who come from all walks of life can rest a little easier knowing our government is looking to lift them up, not divide and suppress.” 


The national Lawyers’ Committee is the only national civil rights organization who was involved in all three of the major pending federal lawsuits challenging racial diversity efforts. The Justice Department, under former Attorney General William Barr, filed this lawsuit in October 2020, as part of a carefully coordinated effort to severely limit racial diversity and affirmative action programs.