Eber: Woke History month

The newest phrase is being WOKE.  Those that use it appear to have the IQ or an ice cube and the common sense of a rodent.  They think they are smart, when in fact they have no knowledge just proclaim themselves to be WOKE.

“The festivities are beginning with a paid Federal Holiday commemorating the day Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) graduated from Bartenders School prior to her election to Congress.  Her trademarked drink called the “GOP Mickey” is believed to be comprised of ginned up conspiracy theories, Pepto-Bismol and bitters designed to dull the minds of Republican lawmakers.

The WOKE appear to be permanently under the influence of drugs.  Too bad we can’t give a drug test to people before they vote—or declare ineligible those who are WOKE, due to a lack of IQ.

Woke History month By Richard Eber

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views 2/8/21

Charlotte, NC – September 18, 2016: San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick (7) walks off the field at Bank of America Stadium with his fist up in the air after their game against the Panthers.(Gerry Melendez for ESPN)

According to the Library of Congress virtually every ethnic group and social movement has some sort of a special History Month to commemorate their achievements.   In February it is African Americans who comes to the forefront. When March arrives Irish Heritage is celebrated if bars are still open on St Patrick’s Day.

April is skipped likely because of income tax but Jewish Culture comes to the spotlight in May. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Pride takes over in June with multiple options to choose from.  This is followed by Indians, Asians, Hispanics, and even a Constitution Day later in the year.

Left out of these worthy celebrations is Woke History Month.  There is a growing interest that these people that Webster’s Dictionary refers to as being “aware of and actively attentive to important facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice) The Urban Dictionary defines woke as “the act of being very pretentious about how much you care about social issues.”

In any event these individuals who abide by the PC code of honor are planning to celebrate their proud heritage this August.

The festivities are beginning with a paid Federal Holiday commemorating the day Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) graduated from Bartenders School prior to her election to Congress.  Her trademarked drink called the “GOP Mickey” is believed to be comprised of ginned up conspiracy theories, Pepto-Bismol and bitters designed to dull the minds of Republican lawmakers.

To commemorate Woke History Month, leaders of the movement have proposed that along with sending France a refund for the Louisiana Purchase, Russia should be sent  a hefty check for the one sided fire sale the Czar made selling Alaska to the USA in 1867.

In addition it is suggested, a trillion dollars should be set aside for reparations to descendents of former Slaves.  According to Bernie Sanders “we need to adapt the policy to give till it hurts to make up for all the terrible deeds committed by Uncle Sam over the years

As part of Woke History Month there is a movement afoot  to ban all offensive movies that carry the label “outdated cultural depictions”  It is not enough for what Disney did to warn viewers about the perils of  “Peter Pan,” “The Aristocrats,” “The Jungle Book,” “Lady and the Tramp,” “Dumbo,” and “Swiss Family Robinson.” More direct action is needed

According to Woke spokesman Mr. Sensitivity, “It is far better to sacrifice the Its Amendment  in the US Constitution Bill of Rights than have a child experience a bad dream after watching Peter Pan’s antics.

 In the works is filming a remake of Bambi where the Hunter who shot the fawn’s Mom has his rifle confiscated by authorities. In addition culprit who murdered the innocent Deer in cold blood, should be sent to prison for 5 years with the stipulation of having to share a cell with Richard Allen Davis.

Social justice is being moved forward by  Insisting  Benedict Arnold receive a post hummus pardon  for his alleged act of treason during the Revolutionary War  It is now believed by Woke historians that the treacherous officer who once served under discredited General George Washington , did not receive proper counsel prior to his execution.

Furthermore these same historians believe the death penalty was cruel and unusual punishment and that at the very least Arnold’s crime should have been reduced to a stint at a Colonel Rehab facility.

Another example of history book reform is purging the dying words of Commander James Lawrence Don’t give up the ship” from Navy training manuals. Woke purists believe that Lawrence, who valiantly gave up his life during the War of 1812 recklessly endangered the lives of his crew. They should have been directed to life boats for their own safety.

As part of the celebration the group plans on boycotting several American Holidays including President’s Day, The Fourth of July, Veteran’s Day, and Thanksgiving.  According to Mr. Sensitivity, “How can we give thanks when Indians were so blatantly mistreated by the Pilgrims?

Writing new cancel-Colure history books is a fundamental building Block of Woke History month. Former FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith, who forged evidence pertaining to Carter Page’s relationship with the CIA, is now considered a hero” It does not matter that  he later apologized to the court for doctoring the emails.  Clinesmith also admitted being “truly ashamed” of an action that he said had “forever changed the course of my life.”

Despite his record of deception and treachery furthering the “Russian Hoax”, Wokes consider him to be a maître to the cause of social justice.  They believe a light sentence of a year’s probation was too harsh not to mention Clinesman losing his government job.

 It is rumored that the School Board in San Francisco is considering changing the name of Thomas Jefferson Grammar School to Kevin Clinesmith Elementary.  This came after several board members nixed choosing Mother Theresa for being too controversial.

Awards ceremonies are also going to be changed to reflect Woke sensitivities, the judges at the Emmy’ awards this year decided that they would no longer disappoint nominees who are not chosen to receive the coveted statue. In the tradition of Little League Baseball, everyone who participated in the selection process are winners.  Trophies for all!  Presenters will no longer be required to say  the magic words,  “The Envelope Please”

Another festive occasion is the Woke Banquet co-sponsored with PETA to raise funds for mistreated animals.  This year’s charities include Rodent Planned Parenthood and the “Cockroaches have feelings fund.” Special recognition is being given to The Jurassic Remembrance Foundation for their work preserving Transgender dinosaur skeletons.

Also being honored for their excellent work is the Chicago Teachers Union.  They have successfully kept children out of school for a year while receiving full pay for their non-efforts. In doing so they have virtually guaranteed low income kids will be illiterate and grow up to be loyal Democrats.  The Teachers Union has proudly fulfilled the prophetic words of Hunter Thompson, “When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.”

By unanimous vote Colin Kaepernick was chosen to be Grand Marshall of the first annual Woke Parade.  Co hosting the event will be Prince Harry. Other celebrities scheduled to make cameos  include  Madonna, Bette Midler, Sean Penn, George Clooney, Meryl Streep, and John Legend, to name a few.

Chosen to be this years them is “Let’s party like it’s 1984”