Biden PROTECTS Illegal Alien Sex Offenders From Deportation/Arrest

Biden PROTECTS Illegal Alien Sex Offenders From Deportation/Arrest

Here is an interesting question.  Given the choice between sex offenders and innocent victims, with whom should the President of the United States side?  In the case of Joe Biden, he prefers rapists, molesters and criminals.  Biden has no problem with American citizens being victimized by illegal aliens.  I bet you thought he wanted to protect women?  Instead he has no problem with rape, as long as it is done by an illegal alien.  Feel safe?

“The cancelation of the raid comes as the Biden administration seeks to cripple interior immigration enforcement with an order to halt most deportations of illegal aliens, an upcoming set of guidelines that will keep convicted illegal alien drug dealers and assault perpetrators in the United States, and a dismantling of the legal wall at the U.S.-Mexico border that has kept illegal immigration at bay during the Chinese coronavirus crisis.

Already, the Biden policies are resulting in the restarting of the Catch and Release program — where border crossers are apprehended and then freed into the U.S. interior — without having to be tested for the coronavirus. Unofficial totals reveal that Catch and Release has skyrocketed with at least 1,000 border crossers released this month thus far.

Oh, like everything Biden is claiming he knows nothing about this.  Seriously, where is a doctor to examine him, obviously he is not totally here—or as some believe, just a liar and hater.  Which do you think.

ICE Raid to Arrest Illegal Alien Sex Offenders Cancelled at Last Minute

John Binder, Breitbart, 2.8.21 

The Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency reportedly canceled a scheduled multi-state raid that would have netted the arrests of charged and convicted illegal alien sex offenders.

First detailed in the Washington Post, Operation Talon — a multi-state ICE raid to arrest illegal alien sex offenders — was scheduled for this month after agents spent thousands of hours nailing down the locations of their targets and obtaining warrants.

The night before agents were supposed to hit the streets, the raid was canceled, according to a source familiar with the operation’s details.

Senior ICE officials claimed in discussions with the Post that President Joe Biden’s administration “had nothing to do with that decision.” Typically, top ICE officials would be responsible for such decisions, often in coordination with senior Department of Homeland Security (DHS) officials who stay in close contact with the White House.

The cancelation of the raid comes as the Biden administration seeks to cripple interior immigration enforcement with an order to halt most deportations of illegal aliens, an upcoming set of guidelines that will keep convicted illegal alien drug dealers and assault perpetrators in the United States, and a dismantling of the legal wall at the U.S.-Mexico border that has kept illegal immigration at bay during the Chinese coronavirus crisis.

Already, the Biden policies are resulting in the restarting of the Catch and Release program — where border crossers are apprehended and then freed into the U.S. interior — without having to be tested for the coronavirus. Unofficial totals reveal that Catch and Release has skyrocketed with at least 1,000 border crossers released this month thus far.

ICE officials did not respond to a request for comment in time for this publication.