Caldwell: The Woke Ideology of Soda Jerks

American companies are making fools of themselves.  Coca Cola is trying to “train” their employees to be “less white”.  Imagine telling Cory Booker to be “less black”, think of the riots, looting and burning that will be created.  Why do we put up with this racist garbage from Coke and other companies?  The NFL is using money earning its black players to give millions to Planned Parenthood—to KILL black babies.  Do the players know they are complicit in genocide of their own race?  Maybe they took one too many concussions to understand that social justice does not include killing black babies—unless you are the KKK.

“Here are three examples of this stupidly woke phenomenon.  First, the highly publicized poster published by the Smithsonian National Museum of African History titled “The Aspects and Assumptions of Whiteness and White Culture in the United States” which surmises that white traditions, attitudes and ways of life have been considered normal and standard practices because white people have and still hold institutional power in America.  Second, in addition to the once infamous school subject matter known as “ebonics”, schools are now teaching “ethnomathematics” which purports that there is racism in mathematics.   Third, the Coca Cola Company is now promoting a curriculum urging and teaching employees how to “be less white”.

We may be living in the most racist period of our history since Reconstruction.  It is obvious that common sense and decency are gone, bigotry and hate is willing the air.  We need to stop tolerating racism—systemic racism created by fascist Democrats.

The Woke Ideology of Soda Jerks

 Andy Caldwell, Santa Barbara News Press,  2/28/21 

The World of Coca Cola museum invites visitors to “visit the vault where the legendary secret formula for Coca Cola is secured. Regarded as the most closely guarded and best-kept secret, the secret formula for Coca Cola represents over 125 years of history, special moments, memories and the timeless appeal associated with Coca Cola.”

America had an open secret, of what made America great.  No, I am not talking about Donald Trump.  I am talking about the concepts of American exceptionalism, the Protestant work ethic, e pluribus unum, the melting pot, our foundation of self-evident truths, belief and trust in God, the rule of law, the entrepreneurial spirit and patent laws (that which allowed Coca Cola to keep producing its patented secret!), the unalienable rights of each and every individual, and the quest for equality, to name just a few. 

Unfortunately, everything that helped make America great is threatened by an campaign to destroy it from within by attributing its greatness to “acting white” and white culture, which are now supposedly euphemisms of institutionalized racism in our society, culture and economy.

Here are three examples of this stupidly woke phenomenon.  First, the highly publicized poster published by the Smithsonian National Museum of African History titled “The Aspects and Assumptions of Whiteness and White Culture in the United States” which surmises that white traditions, attitudes and ways of life have been considered normal and standard practices because white people have and still hold institutional power in America.  Second, in addition to the once infamous school subject matter known as “ebonics”, schools are now teaching “ethnomathematics” which purports that there is racism in mathematics.   Third, the Coca Cola Company is now promoting a curriculum urging and teaching employees how to “be less white”.

The Smithsonian poster included various categories of subject matters including “Future Orientation” listing such no-no’s as “planning for the future” and “progress is always best”.  Under the category of “Time” the chart decries “following rigid time schedules” and time “viewed as a commodity”.  Under “Protestant Work Ethic” the chart lists as white values: “hard work is the key to success, work before play, and if you didn’t meet your goals, you didn’t work hard enough”.

The ethnomathematics course teaches that White supremacy manifests itself in asserting that math is purely objective, as if objectivity is a function of racism, meaning there can be more than one right answer, and there should be no requirement to show your work.  Teachers of the curriculum are encouraged to show how at least two different answers “might” solve the problem and to identify and challenge the ways that “math is used to uphold capitalist, imperialist, and racist views”.

I suppose what all this means is that Coca Cola employees will give up their famous white privilege formula advantage, while the company de-emphasizes and foregoes sales goals, on-time deliveries, accurate invoicing, and requiring their employees to show up to work on time. 

How we have fallen!  Consider the movie, “Hidden Figures”, about three black women who were instrumental in helping NASA launch John Glenn into space during the 1960’s space race.  These three women broke multiple barriers in their capacity as black female mathematicians, computer experts and engineers.  As one of the stars of the picture commented, “You can be mathematicians, scientists, engineers, you can be in technology, you can change the world. Genius has no color, gender.  Brilliance has no color, gender and as long as you continue to just do the work, you end up on top, always.” 

The woke stupidity and values of today’s soda jerks pale in comparison and are counter-productive to the achievements of the trailblazers whose lives are depicted in “Hidden Figures” and those who would aspire to emulate them.