Biden APPROVES of Communist Chinas’ Concentration Camps and MURDER of Tens of Millions

The Chinese Communist bought the Biden family on the cheap—mere millions.  Now they get control of the solar panel industry, do not have to answer for the COVID virus and we are giving them control of outer space by Biden ending the efforts of SpaceX, a private company. 

Worse Joe Biden, even in his very limited state is approving of the Communist Chinese  enslavement of Muslims (e was upset when he mistakenly claiming Trump did not want Muslims in this nation) and the murder of millions under previous Communist regimes in China.

“Students at the University of Florida were shocked to learn about President Joe Biden’s recent remark about concentration camps in China, in which the president stated that Chinese President Xi Jinping “gets it,” adding that “culturally there are different norms in each country, and their leaders are expected to follow.”

Biden has normalized the use of concentration camps in China—the Communist Chinese investment in his family pays off every day.  Why do we tolerate this?  The Communist are holding an Olympics—we need to boycott it as a statement for freedom.

Watch: U. of Florida Students Shocked When They Hear Biden’s Excuse for China’s Concentration Camps

Alana Mastrangelo, Breitbart,  2/25/21 

Students at the University of Florida were shocked to learn about President Joe Biden’s recent remark about concentration camps in China, in which the president stated that Chinese President Xi Jinping “gets it,” adding that “culturally there are different norms in each country, and their leaders are expected to follow.”

Campus Reform’s Ophelie Jacobson went to the University of Florida to ask students what they thought about Biden’s recent remarks about genocide in China.

President Biden stated: “What he’s doing with the Uighurs in Western Mountains of China, and Taiwan, trying to end the one-China policy by making it forceful — he gets it, culturally there are different norms in each country, and their leaders are expected to follow.”

Jacobson asked students which president they thought made the remark, to which the majority of students replied that they believed that it was made by former President Donald Trump, and we shocked to learn that it was President Biden.

Watch Below:

“I think that it’s very important that we are all aware of what’s happening to make sure that we can take actions to stop those things from happening,” reacted one student to the Chinese government putting Uighurs in detention camps.

“It’s obviously pretty horrible,” said another.

“It’s, like, sad that, like, people are, like, being, like, killed just for, like, being them, and, like, I guess there should be, like, more awareness, I think,” added a third student.

In response to which U.S. president the students believed made the comment about China and the Uighurs, none of the students guessed President Biden.

“I’m going to go ahead and guess Donald Trump,” answered one student. “Trump,” said another. “Trump or Clinton,” answered a third.

After being told that it was actually President Biden who made the remark, the students noted that they were “very surprised.”

“I, like, it was surprising for me to hear that that came from Biden, it doesn’t seem like the type of thing that he would believe in,” reacted one student.

“Joe Biden campaigned heavily on, like, uniting people and, you know, strengthening ties with other countries, and overall, just being a very humanitarian person. So, the fact that he believes that policy, and he has that sort of mindset is very shocking to me,” said another.

The students added that they were bothered by the president essentially referring to a mass genocide as a cultural norm.

“Yeah, definitely,” added one student. “I voted for him. So it’d be, like, you know, that he’s not, like, representing my views.”

“Yes, I’m disappointed that a sitting U.S. president would say that,” said another.

The students also expressed that they believe Biden should be tougher on China.

“I guess he needs to, like, work on bettering, like, the genocide I guess, like, getting more involved,” said one student.

“Absolutely,” said another. “Because the genocide is not okay, whether it’s in our country or, you know, 1,000 miles away.”

“I wouldn’t want a sitting president, like, not doing that, like, not, like, letting that slide is not okay,” commented a third.

Breitbart News will continue to report on campus politics.