San Fran DA—Raised by Terrorist/Cop Killers, Chesa Soros-Boudin Recall Effort Opens

Chesa Soros-Boudin, elected as San Fran DA by using George Soros money to smear his opponent, was raised by Bernadine Dohrn (from Wikepedia: ·  Bill Ayers (adoptive father)

Bernardine Dohrn (adoptive mother)  convicted cop killer and terrorist from the Weather Underground.  As DA Boudin has worked hard to release criminals from jail and prison—while changing policies’ to keep drug dealers and human sex traffickers on the streets.

There is a crime wave in San Fran—so Soros-Boudin in going after the cops, not the criminals. 

We have the Recall of Gavin Newsom, in La Mesa the Recall of a school board member who believes opening schools is racist, the Recall of three members of the San Fran School Board and the Recall effort to throw LA DA George Soros-Gascon out of office (he is protecting drug dealers and human traffickers, illegal aliens that commit crimes and made L.A. one of the least safe counties in the nation—while going after cops instead of criminals.  In fact, he appointed as a Chief Deputy a person that believes cops are killers—as the liaison to law enforcement!

We are seeing the people fighting back via the Recall.  Throughout the State, the open racism of school board members, the public ownership of government schools by extortionist unions is being challenged. 

Recall Of Chesa Boudin Approved To Gather Signatures

Department of Elections Gives Green Light

Committee Supporting Recall of DA Chesa Boudin

SAN FRANCISCO, March 9, 2021 /PRNewswire,

/ — Signature gathering has been approved by the Department of Elections in the effort to recall controversial San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin.

Recall committee spokesman and lead proponent Richie Greenberg submitted the final required documents to the San Francisco Department of Elections Wednesday March 3rd 2021. After review, John Arntz, department Director, gave written approval Thursday March 4th to start the official signature gathering.

“This recall effort is the first of its kind in our city and the nation,” explains Greenberg. “Law-abiding, fed-up citizens are pushing back against activist District Attorneys who’ve gone too far and are destroying our cities. In Los Angeles, Austin, Chicago, New Orleans, we also see similar stories of public defenders with little to no prosecutor experience being elected DA, and once sworn-in, they summarily dismantle the criminal justice system. People are dying, our streets are dangerous, our homes are targets, business owners close shop and flee due to an unworkable environment. San Francisco is united in its desire to move on from the failure of Mr. Boudin’s experiment.”

The Committee Supporting the Recall of District Attorney Chesa Boudin is leading the recall effort, with website at . Donations are accepted on the site. Signature gathering and petition download is expected to begin Friday March 12th.