Kamala Harris Takes Call with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Behalf of Joe Biden

President Harris, Not the NAPPING Biden, Speaks to Israeli Prime Minister, Canadian Prime Minster and French Prime Minister

You know someone by their actions not their words or title.  Based on that the world knows who is President of the United States—Kamala Harris.  And Joe does not care—of course, he may not know it or where he is, but he has not complained ab out having the title, while the work is being done by Harris.

“Kamala Harris on Thursday spoke to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel as Joe Biden slouched around the White House.

Joe Biden hosted a group of House members at the White House on Thursday and joined a virtual call with NASA.

Apparently Biden’s schedule was so grueling today that he had to have his babysitter Kamala take another call with a foreign leader.

Kamala Harris, in a phone call with Netanyahu, “emphasized the United States’ unwavering commitment to Israel’s security.”

Harris and Netanyahu also agreed to advance Covid cooperation.”

He can’t give a press conference or even read a State of the Union from a teleprompter.  At what point does the media start the drum beat to put him in assisted living and out of Washington?

Kamala Harris Takes Call with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Behalf of Joe Biden

By Cristina Laila, The Gateway Pundit,  3/4/21     

Who is really running the country?

Kamala Harris on Thursday spoke to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel as Joe Biden slouched around the White House.

Joe Biden hosted a group of House members at the White House on Thursday and joined a virtual call with NASA.

Apparently Biden’s schedule was so grueling today that he had to have his babysitter Kamala take another call with a foreign leader.

Kamala Harris, in a phone call with Netanyahu, “emphasized the United States’ unwavering commitment to Israel’s security.”

Harris and Netanyahu also agreed to advance Covid cooperation.

Per The White House:

Vice President Kamala Harris spoke today by phone with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, and underscored the Biden-Harris Administration’s commitment to the U.S.-Israel partnership. The Vice President emphasized the United States’ unwavering commitment to Israel’s security. She expressed strong support for Israel’s recent groundbreaking normalization agreements with countries in the Arab and Muslim world, and stressed the importance of advancing peace, security, and prosperity for Israelis and Palestinians alike. The Vice President and Prime Minister agreed on the importance of continuing close cooperation and partnership on regional security issues, including Iran’s nuclear program and the regime’s dangerous regional behavior. They discussed the importance of advancing scientific cooperation between our two countries and efforts to contain the COVID-19 pandemic. They also noted their respective governments’ opposition to the International Criminal Court’s attempts to exercise its jurisdiction over Israeli personnel.

Kamala Harris is playing a key role in foreign policy just weeks into a new administration because dementia Joe is not mentally fit to hold office.

Last month Joe Biden spent an entire weekend napping and playing Mario Kart at Camp David as thousands of Americans died of Covid-19.

Kamala Harris previously spoke to French President Emmanuel Macron and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as Biden napped and played video games.