Stephen Frank, California Political News and Views, 3/23/21


Recently I spoke at the Liberty Forum of the Silicon Valley.  The title of my speech was “The Virtue of Intolerance—How to End the Cancel Culture”.  If you would like to see the speech, go here:

Attached below are the links to the Rumble (and YouTube) videos of the event. 

I have since given the speech to two California Federation of Republican Women chapters, have several more Womens Fed speeches for the Month of April.  On Saturday I gave this speech to the “Patrons Club of the Lake County Republican Party”—an actual face to face presentation.


  1. Good news.  Many delegates to the California Republican Party convention paid a registration fee, then was unable to vote.  They are giving refunds to those people—but you have to ask.  You can send your request to [email protected] to get the ball rolling.  I met a delegate in Bakersfield last week who is getting a refund.

Some have tried to say, in defense of the CRP, that it was user error.  Is that why the election for Chair of Chairs had to be done by roll call vote, instead of using the technology, which did not work for the over 50 county chairs?  Did all the county chairs have “user error”?  BTW, the Democrats are doing their officer elections by MAIL IN BALLOT ONLY.  They understand the technology is not error proof—so they want paper ballots.

  • It pays to break Federal law when Democrats are in charge. 

Illegal Immigrants to Receive $4.38 Billion
in Stimulus Checks: Report

Epoch Times, by Charlotte Cuthbertson Original Article

Posted by earlybird — 3/22/2021 8:55:05 PM Post Reply

As Americans start to receive the latest round of stimulus checks, a new analysis reveals that about $4.38 billion will also go to illegal immigrants. The Center for Immigration Studies estimates that 2.65 million illegal immigrants have Social Security numbers that allow them to receive stimulus checks. This group of illegal immigrants can be described as “aliens temporarily present without status,” according to Steven Camarota, director of research for the Center for Immigration Studies. “These individuals are in the country illegally and could be required to leave. Yet, under the current system, they are still given work authorization and Social Security numbers,” he said.

  •  If you are driving a car that uses gas, made from oil, YOU are a racist.  Are you using plastic that is composed of oil?  YOU are a racist.  Does your pension plan include oil industry stocks?  YOU are a racist.

Democrats Introduce New Green New
Deal Bill Calling Fossil Fuels ‘Racist’

PJ Media, by Bryan Preston Original Article

Posted by Imright — 3/22/2021 8:06:23 PM Post Reply

The Hill reports that Rep. Always On-Camera (D-New York) and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Not An Actual Cherokee) have introduced a new bill that would “invest” $500 billion to “create” “green jobs.”Use of multiple scare quotes is intentional. Neither the race-hustling professor nor AOC know much about job creation, having never created any meaningful number of non-government jobs.Government “investing” necessarily entails government taxing, or government just printing more money, which neither the Democrats nor The Hill note. Those green jobs supposedly already exist anyway; why else would John Kerry tell the Keystone XL pipeline workers whose jobs his boss destroyed to go build solar panels?

  •  Churches have been made irrelevant.  Schools are indoctrination centers.  The media is the propaganda arm for the new Fascist Era in America.  Now the military is about to be destroyed.  With it, our ability to defend our nation.

[Exclusive] Read the Shocking Pentagon Training
Materials Targeting Conservatives in the Military

PJ Media, by J. Christian Adams Original Article

Posted by Dreadnought — 3/22/2021 2:25:06 PM Post Reply

I have obtained a copy of all the materials regarding the sudden new threat of “Extremism” used for training in the United States military. Throughout the services, service members have been shocked at the Biden blitz to root out ideas and people who stand in the way of the administration’s transformative agenda. One individual in the training told me, “The military is one of the last institutions left that hasn’t been radicalized by the progressives. That’s why it is being targeted now.” All personnel are being subjected to a PowerPoint presentation packed with progressive ideology and misstatements of the Constitution.

  • The only question the nation has is who is really the President?  Is it Jill Biden or Kamala Harris?  For sure, it is NOT Joe Biden.  He can’t remember where he is, why he is there, what his policies are doing—and not has a problem with walking up steps.

Feminist Naomi Wolf: Joe Biden ‘Struggling
Physically’ a National Security Concern

Breitbart Media, by Joshua Klein Original Article

posted by Imright — 3/22/2021 8:29:53 AM Post Reply

In an interview with Steve Malzberg on his weekly Sunday commentary show Eat the Press, progressive feminist author and former Democrat adviser Dr. Naomi Wolf expressed alarm regarding President Joe Biden’s current state of health and its implications for U.S. national security. Addressing Biden’s health, Wolf stated that “as Americans, we would be remiss not to notice that this is a man who is struggling physically, and our national security kind of depends on our being grown-ups.” She said, “when a very elderly president is struggling physically, it’s an important national security concern” that all should be able to discuss “without partisanship.”


 (Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know.  The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “Tom/Tom’s”.  This column is named in her honor.)