This Week in Campus Insanity Vol. 37

As usual you can count on the nations’ colleges to be outrageous, filled with hate and bigotry.

UCLA Student Government Creates Fund to Pay Illegal Immigrants Who Serve In Office | The College Fix

The Undergraduate Student Association Council at the University of California, Los Angeles, established a fund to pay undocumented students who are elected to student government, as the University of California system cannot hire students living in the country illegally. The unanimously backed “UndocuCouncil Member Stipends” bill allocated $23,000 to the fund.

Once again UCLA is in the lead of promoting law breaking.  The seats taken at UCLA for illegal aliens means honest students that qualify for the school can  not be enrolled.  Why aren’t they suing?

This Week in Campus Insanity Vol. 37

Alex Nester, Washington Free Beacon,  3/27/21 

Welcome back to Campus Insanity, a weekly roundup of the craziest developments at our nation’s 4,000-plus institutions of “higher education.”

6. University of Florida Suspends Three Conservative Student Groups for a Cookout | The College Fix

The University of Florida suspended its Turning Point USA, Network of Enlightened Women, and Young Americans for Freedom chapters after they hosted a joint outdoor cookout event, which the school said violated its established pandemic health guidelines. Students say they wore masks except while eating and drinking during the event, in compliance with school policies, even though Florida does not require residents to wear masks in public.

5. Cincinnati Professor Who Called COVID-19 ‘the Chinese Virus’ Loses Job | The New York Post

The University of Cincinnati will not renew adjunct engineering and science professor John Ucker’s contract after he referred to the coronavirus as the “Chinese virus” in an email last fall. Dean John Weidner previously said that while Ucker’s use of the term didn’t “meet the threshold to be designated harassment,” it “caused offense to members of our community.”

4. UCLA Student Government Creates Fund to Pay Illegal Immigrants Who Serve In Office | The College Fix

The Undergraduate Student Association Council at the University of California, Los Angeles, established a fund to pay undocumented students who are elected to student government, as the University of California system cannot hire students living in the country illegally. The unanimously backed “UndocuCouncil Member Stipends” bill allocated $23,000 to the fund.

3. Conservatism May Be ‘Euphemism for White Supremacy,’ Syracuse Prof States During ‘White Rage’ Panel | Campus Reform


Syracuse University religion professor Biko Gray said during a panel on the “Religion of White Rage” that conservatism may be “a euphemism for white supremacy and its affective variant, white rage.” The panel was meant to “shed light” on white rage and “map out the uneasy relationship between white anxiety, religious fervor, American identity and perceived Black racial progress.”

2. Appalachian State Pairs ‘Black Male’ Housing Initiative with ‘Black Panther’ Class | Campus Reform

North Carolina’s Appalachian State University will launch its inaugural Black Male Excellence Initiative this fall, which will include unveiling a dorm for black male students and a “Wakanda Warriors: Black Male Excellence” class to analyze connections between the movie Black Panther and black men’s experiences in higher education.

1. Cornell University Can’t Say Whether Beijing Is Guilty of Genocide | Washington Free Beacon

Cornell University officials declined to answer whether they believe the Chinese Communist Party is committing genocide against Uighur Muslims in the Xinjiang region of China. The non-answer comes amid uproar over a proposed, Beijing-sponsored joint degree program between Cornell and China’s Peking University. It also follows recent reports from inside the CCP’s labor camps that detail systemic rapes of Uighur women and the slaughter of Uighur children. Chinese Communist Party leadership have made remarks likening the Uighurs to “malignant tumors” and “weeds.”

Want more Campus Insanity? Read Vol. 36 here.