Biden Regime Is Developing ‘Vaccine Passport’ Americans Must Have To Engage In Commerce

Want to go to Macy’s, Costco or get on a plane, train or bus?  The mental deficient Joe Biden wants you to have a passport, showing you took the unapproved by FDA vaccine.   Want to go to a chain restaurant—need your passport.  If you want to know the long term effects of the vaccine you are told don’t worry.  If you are a young female, will it interfere with you getting pregnant—no answer.   Have medical issues with the vaccines?  That is your problem, you still are not allowed out of your home.  What to go to school?  Can’t unless you take the vaccine with NO long term data—and NOT approved by the FDA.

“According to The Washington Post, the Biden regime “and private companies are working to develop a standard way of handling credentials — often referred to as ‘vaccine passports’ — that would allow Americans to prove they have been vaccinated against the novel coronavirus as businesses try to reopen.”

They note that many businesses, “from cruise lines to sports teams,” will require individuals to take the COVID-19 vaccine before they are offered business. The Biden regime, apparently, views this as a positive development.

“The passports are expected to be free and available through applications for smartphones,” the Post reported. “Which could display a scannable code similar to an airline boarding pass. Americans without smartphone access should be able to print out the passports, developers have said.”

Oh, and if you do not have a smartphone, government will keep you locked up and locked out of society.  How do you own society—give them an unproved drug and tell them they are criminals if they do not take it.  At least criminals can get out of jail—if you refuse to take long term untested drugs, you are the new Charlie Manson.

THEY’RE HERE: Biden Regime Is Developing ‘Vaccine Passport’ Americans Must Have To Engage In Commerce

Americans will soon need a “vaccine passport” to engage in commerce.

by Tom Pappert, National File,  3/28/21 

After months of speculation, today The Washington Post confirmed that the Biden regime is developing a “vaccine passport” that Americans may need to present to prove they have received their COVID-19 vaccine before they will be allowed to engage in commerce in a “return to normalcy” that looks nothing like the past.

According to The Washington Post, the Biden regime “and private companies are working to develop a standard way of handling credentials — often referred to as ‘vaccine passports’ — that would allow Americans to prove they have been vaccinated against the novel coronavirus as businesses try to reopen.”

They note that many businesses, “from cruise lines to sports teams,” will require individuals to take the COVID-19 vaccine before they are offered business. The Biden regime, apparently, views this as a positive development.

“The passports are expected to be free and available through applications for smartphones,” the Post reported. “Which could display a scannable code similar to an airline boarding pass. Americans without smartphone access should be able to print out the passports, developers have said.”

According to those developing the vaccine passports, they must be entirely unique, and not able to be hacked or tampered with, lest Americans engage in commerce without taking one of the controversial vaccines.

Biden’s team is apparently committed to the vaccine passports, though they refused to speak to the media on the subject, and apparently do not like branding them “passports” but would instead like to see them called “credentials or certificates.” The Washington Post explains:

Micky Tripathi, whom Biden tapped as the national coordinator for health IT, recently said federal officials are concerned with a variety of health-tech challenges, including protecting the credentials against fraud, ensuring data security and making certain that low-income populations aren’t squeezed out.

“How do we make sure that whatever is available is accessible to everyone so no one is left behind or feeling like they can’t participate in the return of their day-to-day activities?” Tripathi asked at a virtual meeting hosted by the Health IT Leadership Roundtable on March 11.

Tripathi told the group he didn’t like the term “vaccine passports,” adding that “passports are something that are issued by governments. … I think of them as vaccine credentials or certificates.” Tripathi did not respond to a request for comment.

The Washington Post explains that the initiative is happening globally, with the CDC participating in the controversial World Health Organization’s initiative to roll out the passports.

The left wing newspaper also believes that the vaccines can be used to bully skeptical Americans into taking the controversial vaccines.

“There is evidence vaccine passports could motivate skeptical Americans to get shots. Several vaccine-hesitant participants at a recent focus group of Trump voters led by pollster Frank Luntz suggested their desire to see family, go on vacation and resume other aspects of daily life outpaced fear of the shots, particularly if travel companies and others moved to require proof of vaccination,” they assert.

However, the Biden regime apparently wants this pressure to come entirely in the form of corporate interests requiring vaccines, and does not want to use the weight of the federal government to require the vaccine passports.