SHOCK: Dem Rep. Khanna: Court-Packing Will ‘Further Polarize and Tear Apart’ Country

Every once in a while the Progressives show some common sense.  Not often.  The Democrats have decided they want to pack the Supreme Court to get the decisions they want.  So if they get to appoint four more Justices, when the GOP takes back the Congress and White House after the 2024 elections, they can add EIGHT Justices, to fix that problem.  Why not?

Now we have a member of the Politburo, ur, Progress wing of the Democrat Party realizing that to pack the Court would bring a civil war to the nation.

“On Thursday’s broadcast of Fox News Radio’s “Brian Kilmeade Show,” Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA) stated that he supports term limits for Supreme Court justices over expanding the court, and that “if you try to expand it right now, that’s going to further polarize and tear apart this country.”

Khanna said, “That hasn’t been my proposal. I have been for term limits. I think that if — the proposal I have has been 18 years as a Supreme Court justice. By the way, I’m for term limits for members of Congress and senators as well.”

Watch Rhanna—in 2022 he could run for Governor or Senator.

Dem Rep. Khanna: Court-Packing Will ‘Further Polarize and Tear Apart’ Country

Ian Hanchett, Breitbart,  4/15/21 

On Thursday’s broadcast of Fox News Radio’s “Brian Kilmeade Show,” Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA) stated that he supports term limits for Supreme Court justices over expanding the court, and that “if you try to expand it right now, that’s going to further polarize and tear apart this country.”

Khanna said, “That hasn’t been my proposal. I have been for term limits. I think that if — the proposal I have has been 18 years as a Supreme Court justice. By the way, I’m for term limits for members of Congress and senators as well. I just think if you’re in public service, it’s a democracy, these aren’t lifetime positions, and I think that would get at the problem and make it — de-politicize it. I don’t want to see, whether it’s for Republicans or for Democrats, the court shouldn’t be politicized.”

He added, “Right now, I think, given how polarized the country is, the best way forward would be to come together on term limits. I think if you try to expand it right now, that’s going to further polarize and tear apart this country. And what I want to do is figure out ways we don’t do that.”