Stephen Frank, California Political News and Views, 4/23/21


Great news for bi-partisanship.  The California Republican Party has joined the California Democrat Party on one issue—BOTH agree there is NO election corruption or fraud in California.  At best, there “may” be some errors.

Last week Ashley Titus, the legal counsel to the California Republican Party—you pay her invoices via your donations to the Party—announced on a conference call to the County Chairs that California has no election fraud.  In other words, sending 440,000 live ballots to dead people and those that have moved is merely an error.

If so, then why hasn’t the California Republican Party filed suit to stop that from happening in the upcoming Recall election, demanded an investigation on how that happened or demanded an end to fraudulent absentee ballot voting?.

In effect, Ashley Titus and the California Republican Party have NORMALIZED the dead “voting”.  They have normalized folks that moved to Texas five years ago voting in current California elections.

No need for GOP county chairs to demand audits of County voting systems.  The Election Integrity Project CA needs to withdraw it lawsuit against 13 counties—the CRP sees no fraud or corruption.  No need to spend time, effort and money on observers at the polling places or at the ROV vote count center—Titus and the CRP have declared no problem.

But just to make you feel good, Chair Patterson has set up a committee on voter integrity.  Not that it is doing anything, other than holding meetings—but you feel like they are doing something.  But were they wanting to file a lawsuit to stop 440,000 corrupt ballots to go out—the answer would be NO—we have a fine system with no fraud or corruption.

What do you see?  Do you think we have a bit of fraud in our elections?  Think the votes are honestly counted (why are counting fighting to stop audits if the counts are honest?).

Now you know why we need groups to fight the corruption of the voting system, use independent groups to get and run candidates for office—and have individuals and groups speak out for Republican values and principles.  Challenge to the California Republican Party.  File suit to stop dad people and those living out of State from getting ballots.  Until that is done, it is just a worthless committee and a bunch of hot air.


  1. Remember last week Dr. Anthony (I lie) Fauci announced that even if he is vaccinated and everybody in vaccinated he still considers eating inside a restaurant as RISKY.  Now we find you are being advised not to eat or drink on an airplane—even if vaccinated.  So far over 6,000 vaccinated people got COVID, 104 reported miscarriages and 2249 DEATHS—all after taking the vaccine.  Looking more like the “vaccine” is a placebo” and not worth much as a preventative.

Vaccinated travelers should still avoid eating and drinking on planes, experts say

Health experts feel fairly safe flying. That changes when eating and drinking are introduced.

Robert M. Wachter, chair of the department of medicine at the University of California at San Francisco 

“When (planes) turn into a flying restaurant, the dynamics of spread become very different. 

“I would not eat at an indoor restaurant at this point, even being fully vaccinated, and so the time during which the plane is, in fact, an indoor restaurant is a time when it is somewhat less safe.”

  • The FRAUJD of open schools in California.  LAUSD is allowing students in the classroom—and the teachers working from their kitchen tables.  Now, San Fran is admitting open schools is a fraud in that town as wel—in both cases, the unions refuse to abide by their contracts.
  • San Francisco students face ‘Zoom in a room’ after 500 educators granted medical exemptions. // San Francisco Chronicle
  •  L.A. dodgers using “vaccines” to gouge game attendees.  How many poor or middle class will now be able to attend the games?  If this “works”, the Dodgers will expand the program, possibly to the whole stadium.  N OTE THE PRICES FOR A SINGLE TICKET\

“Fans 16 and older who show proof that two weeks have passed since a final vaccination dosecan purchase tickets ($124 to $154) to sit in two “fully vaccinated sections” at the Dodgers-Padres game on Saturday, the L.A. Times reports (subscription).

 From Scott Lays “Nooner” newsletter: Here are the candidates I currently have for Bonta’s AD18:

  • James Aguilar (Democratic) – San Leandro school board member
  • Mia Bonta (Democratic) – Alameda school board member
  • Janani Ramachandran (Democratic) – Attorney
  • Malia Vella (Democratic) – Alameda City Councilmember

In the 54th AD, in Los Angeles, the GOP is not running a candidate.  Is this going to be another District the California Republican party has abandoned?  If so, why?  In San Diego, the GOP proudly and strongly ran a candidate in that Special Election—raised money, walked precincts.  Looks like the CRP is no longer a statewide organization. But there is still time to get a Republican candidate in the race!!


 (Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know.  The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “Tom/Tom’s”.  This column is named in her honor.)