Police No Longer Protecting Businesses in Santa Barbara—Private Firms Looking to HIRE Private Security

Progressives run Santa Barbara.  If you are a socialist, that is considered a moderate in this fascist town filled with intolerance, hate for citizens and businesses.  Now the useful  idiots that have financed the destruction of Santa Barbara, the business community, is forced to either close down or hire PRIVATE security—government police no longer have the ability to protect folks in this town.

“Property owners are considering the creation of a State Street Association that would hire private security guards to address the homeless situation downtown.

It’s a new idea recently floated by the Santa Barbara Leadership Team, a group of property owners trying to advocate for the revitalization of and better conditions for State Street.

“We would be lost without a private security force on our property,” said Jim Knell, chairman of the SIMA Corp. “They react quickly, much quicker than the police department does.”

Government police protect the illegal aliens, the petty theft causing homeless, those that steal under $950 worth of merchandise.  They do not protect private property, families or businesses.  So, either hire your own security firm or move your business to Plano, Texas, where police protect citizens from criminals.  These businesses only have themselves to blame for the crime in Santa Barbara—they supported and financed the election of fewer police, ineffective police and laws that protect criminals.

State Street Property Owners Consider Bringing in Private Security to Address Homeless Challenges

The Santa Barbara Leadership Team discusses creation of a State Street Association in pushing for revitalization and better conditions

By Joshua Molina, Noozhawk, 4/24/21   

Property owners are considering the creation of a State Street Association that would hire private security guards to address the homeless situation downtown.

It’s a new idea recently floated by the Santa Barbara Leadership Team, a group of property owners trying to advocate for the revitalization of and better conditions for State Street.

“We would be lost without a private security force on our property,” said Jim Knell, chairman of the SIMA Corp. “They react quickly, much quicker than the police department does.”

While private property owners are able to remove homeless individuals from their property, it’s not as easy on public sidewalks. A homeless person — or anyone — has the right to hang out or sleep in public areas if there are no formal indoor alternatives for them to sleep. The presence of homeless individuals can discourage some people from frequenting businesses, particularly if they are participating in inappropriate public behavior.

Knell described observing homeless people with their pants down “pleasuring themselves.” People walk by and come to a conclusion, which is, “I don’t want to come to State Street and have our kids see this,” Knell said.

He called the conditions “horrible.”

“Without public police or a private security force, we’re fighting a losing battle,” Knell said. “It’s a big plus to have a group like Mission Security be able to escort people off our properties. When they do escort them off our properties and they are in the public space, the game changes.”

Robin Elander, executive director of Downtown Santa Barbara, said there are pockets along State Street that create severe challenges.

“As it relates to security downtown, I think having an even amount of security throughout our downtown corridor is very important,” Elander said.

The way things are set up now, she said, is that some property owners and businesses have security for their areas, and they are “doing pretty well in terms of managing situations.” However, the places that don’t have private security are becoming magnets. 

“We just can’t manage all of this,” Elander said.

She said if there was an opportunity to turn State Street into a pilot program, or on a long-term basis over several blocks, the area could become a special district “that would be able to be controlled by private security in all of these public spaces.”

Knell agreed that a long-term plan is necessary because, without one, “we’re just hamsters on a wheel.” Private property owners need to take action; otherwise, “we’ll be stuck with the same thing for years.”