Eber: Phony election scandal threatens American Democracy

Why did the Democrats move heaven and earth to try to stop an audit of the Arizona 2020 ballots?  Why have the Democrats been successful in other States to stop an audit of the 2020 vote?  Why did  the California Secretary of State—rewarded with a U.S. Senate seat for his creativity—allow the sending of live ballots to people known to be dead or moved out of State—at least 440,000?

Georgia passed legislation to assure honest elections.,  For their troubles the State lost the baseball All Star game and called racist because the Left demeans honest elections.  California has not had an honest election in years—do not expect the Recall to be any different.  Sadly, the California Republican Party, responsible for protecting honest elections, not letting dead people get ballots has declared via their Counsel Ashley Titus that there is no vote fraud or corruption in California.  That is the official position of the GOP—the same position the Democrat Party has.  So, please explain the 440,000 bad ballots sent and why that has not been stopped for the Recall?

Phony election scandal threatens American Democracy by Richard Eber

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 5/4/21

SIGN THE PETITION: Tell the Senate to
disqualify Trump from ever running for President again [!] >>

ONE: Donald Trump is BACK and making major moves to take over the GOP:

After reading this plea to petition the Senate to ban former President Donald Trump from ever running for President of the United States in 2024, one would never guess the organization pushing this agenda would be called Let American Vote.

Guess again. This  so called non-profit who aims to give all citizens voting rights previously denied them, is attempting to thwart Donald Trump to be able to run again for the office he previously held. It is also known the organization is using the Trump ploy to promote their fund raising program.

To me these sounds like double speak of Orwellian magnitude.  Their web site proudly states: “Whether it’s extreme identification requirements, questionable purges of voters from the rolls, voter intimidation, new and extreme voter registration processes, or anything that makes voting harder, Let America Vote is there to lead the fight against it”

Before we delve into the lofty goals of this partisan Democratic organization that proudly names Progressive activists such Stacey Abrams and a list mostly composed of former Democratic office holders, we have to ask why are they so concerned about who is to be future GOP standard bearer.

I thought Let America Vote was about allowing every qualified individual over 18 years of age to cast their ballot?  Apparently not.  They want to determine who some of the candidates should be running for office that oppose their views.

Thanks for the advice guys.  As a proud Republican I am pretty certain I can along with almost 75 million other voters in the 2020 election, can determine which candidate to support. As for the actual facts for the Voter Eligibility Act, recently passed by the Legislature in Georgia, we have per the New York Times:

  • There are strict new ID requirements for absentee ballots. n order to confirm the identity of the voter, such form shall date of birth, address as registered, address where the elector wishes the ballot to be mailed, and the number of his or her Georgia driver’s license or identification card issued. As has been mentioned several times in the press, virtually everyone has an I.D. regardless of economic status so this should not be a big deal. It is believed using I.D.’s is a way to reduce voter fraud
  • Offering food or water to voters waiting in line now risks misdemeanor charges. The whole idea is to keep partisan individuals of any political persuasion from influencing voters while they are casting ballots. If any water, food, or any other item is to be distributed to voters, this should be done by poll workers. What’s wrong with this?
  • It’s now illegal for election officials to mail out absentee ballot applications to all voters. This is intended to limit efforts to “vote harvest” and eliminate opportunities for people to vote twice.
  • Drop boxes still exist for voters but not as many as the last election. These drop boxes are intended primarily for the convenience in rural areas.  It can be asked is anyone going to be disenfranchised by the number of drop boxes.  Most likely, not.
  • Early voting is allowed throughout  Georgia (In most cases such policies are more liberal than most other States)
  • If you go to the wrong polling place, it will be harder to vote. (Not sure if such a rule impacts one group of voters or another.) This charge is conjecture from liberal press with no basis of fact.
  • Great concern about hours of for early voting that would allegedly be a disadvantage for working people. On Election Day polls would close at 7pm.  Such a schedule sounds generous and appears to be another red herring courtesy of Democrats.

Taken as a whole the new Georgia election Law sure does not for me bring back memories of so called “Jim Crow” laws or Lester Maddox distributing ax handles at the Pickwick Hotel.  In fact Georgia SB-202 seems pretty reasonable on all levels and compares favorably with voting laws in other States.

It looks like another example of Northerners with their high crime cities in New York, Chicago, St Louis, Los Angeles, and Oakland pretending to be saviors for the repressed South.  If the truth be known African Americans in both Atlanta and Georgia have higher participation numbers in running for office than their brethren in the North.

This is why it is the height of absurdity for Major League Baseball to move the 2022 All Star Baseball Game from Atlanta to lily White Denver which has much more restrictive voting laws than Georgia.

If the truth be known all of the posturing by liberal media such as the NY Times, Washington Post CNN, MSNBC, etc.., is full of sound and fury and just a bunch of liberal hot air.

Were I an African American voter in Georgia, I would be insulted being admonished by the D.C. establishment for repressing the vote.  It would appear this Progressive bunch thinks that those who have dark skin are stupid and lack the intelligence to cast their ballots.  This would explain why this group needs special laws to protect them from the GOP Bogeyman and his band of White Supremists KKK followers.

What scares me most about the ongoing demonization of conservatives in Georgia and elsewhere is getting worse than better.  Very few people are aware of this. Major news outlets along with their cyber world allies such as Twitter, Facebook, Apple, and Google are shaping public opinion at the expense of the First Amendment of the US Constitution.

It is absolutely absurd why these media giants conduct themselves without government oversight while telephone companies operating land lines few use anymore are regulated like hawks.

Something is definitely wrong with this picture.  250 years of American democracy is being jeopardized by a bunch of Washington D.C. lunatics along with their Woke Cancel Culture followers, who are doing their best to turn our proud country into a banana republic dictatorship that would make Karl Marx proud.

Even worse the phony election scandal in Georgia is but a tip of the iceberg.