Public Safety Deceit: CA Releasing Felons From Prison While Violent Crime Spikes in State

We have a crime wave.  We have the defunding of the police.  We have DA’s refusing to prosecute crimes—and moving felonies into misdemeanors.  Then you have Biden importing illegal aliens, drug dealers, cartel members and terrorists into our country with open borders—and California law says illegal aliens have sanctuary—while the rest of us become victims.  So, you wonder, why we are opening the prisoners to allow upwards of 76,000 criminals back on the streets—don’t we have enough crime?

This may cause even the most radical of nutcase Leftists to buy a gun—it is literally their life or their beliefs.

“California is giving 76,000 inmates, including violent and repeat felons, the opportunity to leave prison earlier as the state aims to further trim the population of what once was the nation’s largest state correctional system.

More than 63,000 inmates convicted of violent crimes will be eligible for good behavior credits that shorten their sentences by one-third instead of the one-fifth that had been in place since 2017. That includes nearly 20,000 inmates who are serving life sentences with the possibility of parole.

Life sentence without parole—and Newsom is going to put them back on the street.  Feel safe?  No cops, no laws, no justice—just criminals.  In Santa Barbara it is so bad businesses on State St—the main street in town—are hiring private security, since government will not protect them their customers or their business.

Public Safety Deceit: CA Releasing Felons From Prison While Violent Crime Spikes in State

‘Violent felons are receiving good time credit for simply breathing,’ and other things that don’t make sense

By Katy Grimes, California Globe,  5/1/21   

While California Gov. Gavin Newsom will be letting another 76,000 prisoners out of state prisons – on his own authority through Executive Order – violent crime is spiking in California’s cities.

The headlines today tell the story:

The Globe reported this week that the Sacramento Police Department March 2021 monthly report shows the number of victims shot is up by 333.33 %.

Shooting Reports in the Capitol city are up 121.4 %.

The Associated Press reported:

California is giving 76,000 inmates, including violent and repeat felons, the opportunity to leave prison earlier as the state aims to further trim the population of what once was the nation’s largest state correctional system.

More than 63,000 inmates convicted of violent crimes will be eligible for good behavior credits that shorten their sentences by one-third instead of the one-fifth that had been in place since 2017. That includes nearly 20,000 inmates who are serving life sentences with the possibility of parole.

In July 2020, the Globe reported on 18,000 prisoners released “due to COVID:”

While California is in another statewide lockdown of most businesses, and wearing masks is mandatory, Gov. Gavin Newsom is releasing convicted criminals from prisons and jails.

“Estimates of 8,000 inmates could be eligible for release by end of August, in addition to the state’s reduction of about 10,000 persons since the start of the pandemic,” the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Secretary Ralph Diaz announced this week. However, instead of apologizing to law abiding Californians, Secretary Diaz wrote a letter of apology to the convicted criminals, for the “significant burden you and your families continue to bear.”

The corrections agency announcement also apologizes the “unnecessarily incarcerated:”

Friday afternoon, Sen. Jim Nielsen (R-Red Bluff), former Chairman of the Board of Prison terms, weighed in on this latest prisoner release:

On a late Friday afternoon news dump, the Newsom Administration announced they are automatically giving “good time credit” to violent offenders and second and third strikers in an effort to release them early. These polices will go into effect within hours of the announcement – Saturday, May 1.

“As the former Chairman of the Board of Prison terms, I am intimately aware of these criminal justice regulations. This is ill-founded, ill-cited criminal justice policies. Violent felons are receiving good time credit for simply breathing, in lieu of demonstrated good behavior and rehabilitation.

“This is another ill-conceived policy of the Newsom Administration in its attempts to release convicted violent criminals back into our communities.

“We, the people, will pay the price for his continued follies.”

Sen. Nielsen provided a link to the emergency regulations.

Across the country and in California, the move to “de-police” is taking hold. In cities where police departments are being defunded or severely cut back, morale is at a low ebb, and police officers are resigning.

And, the Soros-funded District Attorneys – some are even former Public Defenders –  are firing gang-units, reducing or removing bail for violent criminals, and releasing inmates on flimsy “COVID” medical requests, as Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascón and the CDCR have been doing.

“They just want these people released,” a source at the Los Angeles DA’s office told the Globe in March.

Within weeks of being sworn in as Los Angeles County’s District Attorney, the Globe reported George Gascón, issued radical, unlawful “Special Directives,” commanding the deputy district attorneys of the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office to violate California’s constitution and laws:

  • With respect to future cases, the Special Directives prohibit DDAs from charging mandatory criminal sentencing enhancements under the Three Strikes Law, which California enacted to protect its citizens from previously-convicted serious and violent felons; and
  • With respect to pending cases, the Special Directives require DDAs to withdraw all pre-existing enhancement allegations for six different types of sentencing enhancements. These provisions are plainly illegal. DDAs cannot be commanded to violate the very sentencing enhancements that California law mandates.

The Globe has reported extensively on LA District Attorney George Gascón, who moved from San Francisco to Los Angeles to run for DA in 2020, and spent more than $2.5 million of billionaire oligarch George Soros’ money to win. But crime victims and law enforcement officials launched a recall campaign against Gascón in March.

San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin, a former public defender, is facing a recall as well, for outrageous decisions:

None of this adds up unless the goal is to thoroughly destabilize California: letting felons out of prison, “de-policing,” corrupt DAs refusing to prosecute violent criminals and/or releasing them, refusing to prosecute under “Three Strikes” law, ignoring special enhancements… Sen. Nielsen said it best: “This is ill-founded, ill-cited criminal justice policies. Violent felons are receiving good time credit for simply breathing.”

This is the Major Cities Chiefs Association Crime Report showing the increase in homicides and violent crimes: