America’s Real White Supremacy Problem

We are a systemically racist society.  We are now being told that if a child—of any color—does their homework and gets the right answer on a math test, that is PROOF they are a white supremacist.  Remember, a Texas Democrat Leader called Sen. Tim Scott an “Oreo”—So if you are black you can be a white supremacist.  In the infamous words of the chief bigot in this nation, Joe Biden if you voted for his opponent, you ain’t black.  So now we have a criteria for being black.

“Yet the Nazis seem to have made a comeback—according to the Department of Homeland Security, the media, and Joe Biden. While self-identifying Nazis tend to be in short supply, organizations like the Southern Poverty Law Center have taken to slapping the label “White Supremacist” on any number of replacements who, conveniently, happen to be their political opponents. Real white supremacists don’t say they’re white supremacists, they argue. So leftists opportunely and telepathically continue to find “white supremacists” among those who oppose them politically. The accused can try to deny their white supremacist tendencies. But there’s really no way to prove you’re not a white supremacist because denying your white supremacist tendencies is exactly what a white supremacist would do.

Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham are white supremacists, according to the SPLC. So too are the police. According to The Hill, our modern police directly evolved from pre-Civil War “slave patrols” that rounded up escaped slaves. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas (an African American) is married to a white supremacist according to some leftists.  

Yup a black man, Clarence Thomas is so hateful of himself, according to the Left, he married and lives with a white supremacist.  These folks are mentally ill.  Sadly as Will Rogers once said, “When I make a joke, people laugh.  When Congress makes a joke, it becomes law.”

America’s Real White Supremacy Problem

White liberals have appointed themselves as the supreme moral consciousness. Only they can “fight” white supremacy because, from their perches, they reign supreme.

American Greatness, Adam Mill,  4/28/21 

In comparing Nazis to dinosaurs, a movie critic once quipped: “They both make great villains because they’re both scary and extinct.” It’s unlikely we will ever need to build a hidden compartment in our attics to hide from the Gestapo or an electrified fortress to escape an errant tyrannosaurus rex. 

Hating and campaigning against Nazis takes zero courage and zero sacrifice in 2021. What products must you boycott to place economic pressure on Nazi Germany? Are you risking your job by refusing to wear a swastika armband? Will your family ostracize you for failing to snap a one-armed salute when Hitler holds a rally in your town? 

Yet the Nazis seem to have made a comeback—according to the Department of Homeland Security, the media, and Joe Biden. While self-identifying Nazis tend to be in short supply, organizations like the Southern Poverty Law Center have taken to slapping the label “White Supremacist” on any number of replacements who, conveniently, happen to be their political opponents. Real white supremacists don’t say they’re white supremacists, they argue. So leftists opportunely and telepathically continue to find “white supremacists” among those who oppose them politically. The accused can try to deny their white supremacist tendencies. But there’s really no way to prove you’re not a white supremacist because denying your white supremacist tendencies is exactly what a white supremacist would do.

Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham are white supremacists, according to the SPLC. So too are the police. According to The Hill, our modern police directly evolved from pre-Civil War “slave patrols” that rounded up escaped slaves. Supreme Court Justice Clarance Thomas (an African American) is married to a white supremacist according to some leftists.  

Even more contagious than COVID-19, white supremacy has spread beyond mere people. Math is white supremacy. Climate change is white supremacy according to the Sierra Club. One must be ever-vigilant and ready with the white supremacy accusation lest “we overlook the white supremacists lurking in our workplaces, our schools, and within our communities. Nice people can also be white supremacists.” If you’re not finding and reporting on the white supremacists in your midst, you may be one yourself.

You might think that one of the requirements of being labeled a “white supremacist” is to be, well,  white. But you are wrong. You can apply the accusation to anyone who fails to join the denunciations. Candace Owens, though African American, is also a white supremacist, according to BET. As noted by Forbes, it’s a myth that “white supremacy” is upheld only by white people. “This is one of the most deceptive myths about white supremacy because it prevents [people of color] from exploring and examining the ways that they may individually sustain white supremacy. Just because you identify as a person of color doesn’t prevent you from propagating white supremacist views and ideologies.” A person of color is guilty of defending or upholding “white supremacy,” by “aligning with whiteness and distancing from ethnic and racial identity in order to gain access and opportunities.” In other words, integration itself is a tool of white supremacy.

I’ve never met a white supremacist . . . on the Right. I have, however, heard many on the Left say things about nonwhites that—let’s be honest—sound a little white supremacist-y.

According to the Merriam-Webster definition, white supremacy is, “the belief that the white race is inherently superior to other races and that white people should have control over people of other races.” The Smithsonian recently drew attention for articulating what can only be described as left-wing, white supremacist views. As noted by the Washington Post, values such as, “Hard work, self-reliance, respect of authority and the nuclear family—father, mother, 2.3 children is the ideal social unit were listed as attributes of white culture.” So the Smithsonian abjectly describes nonwhites as lazy, dependent, and belligerent people who don’t (and shouldn’t) form nuclear families? And that kind of dogma is supposed to fight white supremacy?

Whatever happened to equality before the law? Whatever happened to content of character over color of skin? Whatever happened to racial integration of schools and workplaces? People used to fight for these things, didn’t they?

The modern “racial equity” movement is as counterproductive as it is confusing. It’s the practice of “fighting racism” by assigning racial stereotypes, often pernicious and hateful ones, in the absurd hope that a new racial caste system will lead to some sort of utopia. And at the top of this new caste system are white liberals reordering society because they know best. These white liberals have appointed themselves as the supreme moral consciousness. Only they can “fight” white supremacy because, from their perches, they reign supreme.