Stephen Frank, California Political News and Views, 5/1121


Today I have TWO Big Stories:

  1.  STRONG rumor in Orange County that after many years as Chair, Fred Whitaker is considering resigning and getting back to his law practice and family full time.  There is, I am told, at least one very strong candidate to replace Fred.  He has recently come under a lot of heat for his promotion, very early of a OC GOP endorsement of Sen. John Moorlach for Supervisor—without speaking to the other GOP Supervisors first.  They all endorsed Kevin Muldoon, against Whitakers choice.
  2. Sacramento District Attorney Anne Marie Schubert has announced her run for California Attorney General.  She had been a Republican, left the Party and denounced the Party and President Trump.  Now she may be in hot water with feminist groups—especially those in Sacramento in the community and in the Capitol itself.

Several months ago a charge of rape was made against then Assemblyman Bill Brough—he got thrown out in the primary.  In the several months the DA’s office has been investigating, yet no report has been filed—though it might be held up on the desk of DA.  Schubert is not giving an indication as to when, or if, she will release the investigative report and if appropriate bring charges against Brough.  The longer Schubert delays the release of the report, the more feminists will believe she is not willing to take on cases of sexual misconduct when it involved legislators or legislative staff.


  1. Politico exposes the VANITY CAMPAIGN of Caitlyn Jenner:  “MUST READ — Caitlyn Jenner’s long game by Jack Shafer in POLITICO Magazine: The state of California allows candidates huge leeway on how they can spend their political donations, so a candidate can live off it and reward her friends with contracts and jobs. With former Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale advising Jenner in the race, it’s easy to imagine a well-financed political campaign, and candidates can throw campaign money at election-night celebrations and other events; attorney fees; cars, computers, meals and gifts.’
  2.  This is a debate I did not see coming—which is a more communist city—San Fran or Moscow—and the San Fran Chronicle has entered the debate.  Maybe this explains why people are fleeing San Fran—even Progressives do not want to live under communism?

Is San Francisco more conservative than Moscow? Top San Francisco official says yes. // San Francisco Chronicle
3..  If the measles vaccine worked this poorly, government would declare a State of emergency.  Remember, the 3100 cases of people getting the virus, AFTER taking the vaccine, is just for California.  Is the vaccine valuable or just a placebo?  From the Sacramento Bee:


California reports 3,100 ‘breakthrough’ COVID cases among the vaccine
  • 4.  Students understand the fact that government school declared “open” are so designated just to get money and so the unions can squeeze more mony to the teachers, without actual work.  Kids will not show up to do or learn nothing—and the data proves it.  This is from the California Playbook, “THANK YOU, NEXT — California high schoolers are saying no thanks to reopened campuses and are staying home,’’ by LATimes’ Paloma Esquivel and Howard Blume: During the first week of in-person learning at Panorama High School, drama teacher Patricia Francisco stood in the mini-theater talking on Zoom to her acting class.
  • 5  San Fran is filled with homeless everywhere drug addled politicians, corruption, human and dog feces on the streets, roads that do not allow cars and crime that is promoted and supported by the DA.  Any wonder these folks need clarification—is San Fran a legitimate town or a location for the troubled to hand out? This is from the SF Gate:

The American College of Rheumatology canceled its in-person convention that was scheduled to take place at San Francisco’s Moscone Center with 16,000 attendees in November 2021.

“Just last week, they reached out to us and notified the hotels,” said Joe D’Allesandro, president and CEO of the San Francisco Convention & Visitors Bureau. “They felt it wasn’t practical to have a live conference without more clarity.”

D’Allesandro said the conference would have had at least a $30 million impact on the city. This was the largest conference that was still scheduled to take place this year. 


 (Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know.  The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “Tom/Tom’s”.  This column is named in her honor.)