Stephen Frank, California Political News and Views,5/13/21


California Republican Central Committees, one by one are being closed.

  1.  Kern County Republican Central Committee on May 10 held a ZOOM meeting.  Two new California Republican Assembly charters, in the county have been charted.  The new Presidents attended the Central Committee meeting to introduce themselves and to tell the group they are looking forward to working in unity with the rest of the GOP in the county.  The chair announced that since they were not members of the Committee they were not allowed.

When asked where in the bylaws that was said, it was told that the CRP General Counsel Ashley Titus, famous for claiming that sending 440,000 live ballots to the dead and those who moved out of State was NOT fraud or corruption, claimed the CRP bylaws mandated it.  Titus was not at the meeting, the alleged quote came from the Chair.  In the past Titus had been asked to cite the CRP bylaw closing County Central Committee meetings to just members—never a reply.

If true, than San Diego which gets upwards of 500 people to their meetings, San Luis Obispo’s that gets up to 100 at their meetings, and many other counties—like Lake County which welcomes ALL registered Republicans to their meetings, are violating the CRP bylaws.  Of course this is not in any bylaws.

  • San Francisco Central Committee has had several resignations.  John Dennis fired the Executive Director and a couple of months later had that person removed as Secretary of the Committee.  At least four people in the last couple of months have deiced to leave the Committee due to the desire to have Team work—which is not happening.
  •  The Yuba County Central Committee, chair by Sen. Jim Nielsen staffer may be the worst of the lot.  At the monthly meeting a few nights ago, on the agenda was the addition of new Committee members.  Currently there are 21 VACANCIES on the Committee.  A Committee member made a motion to fill the vacancies.  The Chair of the Committee, Stephen Heter, announced “we do not need more members, the motion is out of order.”  He also refused to replace the Secretary of the Committee, who does not show up for meetings.  I should mention the Secretary is his brother.

How does a GOP movement grow, when the Chair has 21 vacancies and does not want to fill them?  I wonder if Sen. Nielsen approves of this.

  •  Last week the Ventura County GOP Committee met.  The Treasurer made a report, “We have money in the bank”.  Members wanted to know how much, where the money came from, where did the expenditure go?.  The Chair, John Anderson announced he did not want a full report given to the elected members of the Committee.  As expected yelling and threats were made and Anderson adjourned the meeting.
  • Then you have Los Angeles County GOP Committee.  Under the current rules, if there is a vacancy in an Assembly District Caucus, the District appoints to fill the vacancy.  Under a by-law amendment set to be announced next month, that changes.  Instead, the full County Committee—folks from Lancaster to Long Beach to Diamond Bar will decide the filling of vacancies in Santa Monica or El Monte.  Of course at that point the Elected Assembly District members no longer control their own Committee—and most will become inactive and go independent, while the appointed people do little.
  • There is one commonality of all these Committees, trying to shut down Republican activity, programs and growth—they all supported the same candidate for CRP Chair—who is doing the same on a Statewide basis.


  1.  Bribery is the word for the Vaccine.  Too many people question the effectiveness and the long term effects of the vaccine.  In California 3100 people have come down with the virus AFTER taking the vaccine.  Doe Government believe in the vaccine?  Absolutely NOT.  If they did they would be selling how good it is—instead they are using tax dollars to bribe people to take the vaccine.  This is from Politico Nightly, 5/10/21:

ATTN. JEFF ZIENTS: “Free beer offer results in more vaccinations than all Erie County first-dose clinics last week,”Buffalo News

  •  Never going to happen—but if it did, these folks will be quickly forgotten:  I expect Mike Madrid will be part of this, since the Sac Bee claims he has been ostracized by Republicans in California.

Temper Tantrum: Over 100 RINOs Threaten
To Start New Party Over Cheney Ouster

Trending Politics, by Chris Donaldson Original Article

Posted by Imright — 5/12/2021 11:14:44 AM Post Reply

The removal of Liz Cheney from her House leadership position isn’t going over well with the Never Trump faction of the GOP. They have obviously failed miserably in their effort to reassert establishment control over the party. With the vote on the embattled Wyoming congresswoman’s fate expected to take place on Wednesday, over 100 “Republicans” have prepared a letter threatening to start their own political party if the GOP does “not make certain changes. “The existence of the group was reported by the New York Times, which also published the infamous op-ed that was written by a Department Of Homeland Security official”

  •  Looks like we have Jimmie Carter back in the White House—good news for the GOP, Carter got us Reagan.

The Inflation Numbers Are out and We Are in Trouble

Red State, by Bonchie Original Article

Posted by Imright — 5/12/2021 10:59:40 AM Post Reply

The government report on inflation has been released, and it’s not good. Inflation hit 4.2% in April, a crushing blow to the poor and middle class especially. This followed on the heels of stagnating hiring shown by last week’s jobs report (see New Jobs Report Is the Worst Miss in History as Biden Administration Failures Mount). (Tweet) Remember, the consumer price index doesn’t even include things like lumber so this number is likely lower than reality despite still showing an out-of-control rise. That rise is directly timed with Biden passing his COVID “relief” act that printed trillions of largely unnecessary dollars.


 (Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know.  The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “Tom/Tom’s”.  This column is named in her honor.)