SB 742: Democrats Use “Vaccinations” As Excuse to Stop First Amendment Right to Protest

SB 742 is not about public health—it is about using the scamdemic as an excuse to end the First Amendment.

This bill would make it unlawful, except upon private property, for a person to engage in physical obstruction, intimidation, or picketing targeted at a vaccination site during the time period beginning one hour prior to the vaccination services beginning and ending one hour after the conclusion of the vaccination services.”

You would not be allowed within 300 feet of a local to hold a sign or a rally.  BUT, Senator Pan has NO problem with you burning down stores, cars and businesses, if you claim it is because fo systemic racism.  To the Democrats terrorism is OK, the First Amendment is not.

Vaccination sites: unlawful physical obstruction, intimidation, or picketing

Senator Richard Pan, author of bill.

SB 742, as amended, Pan. Local planning. Vaccination sites: unlawful physical obstruction, intimidation, or picketing.

(1) Under existing law, it is unlawful for a person to engage in picketing targeted at a funeral during the time period beginning one hour prior to the funeral and ending one hour after the conclusion of the funeral, except upon private property. For purposes of this crime, “picketing” means protest activities engaged in by any person within 300 feet of a burial site, mortuary, or place of worship. Existing law imposes a fine not exceeding $1,000, imprisonment in a county jail not exceeding 6 months, or by both that fine and imprisonment for a violation.

This bill would make it unlawful, except upon private property, for a person to engage in physical obstruction, intimidation, or picketing targeted at a vaccination site during the time period beginning one hour prior to the vaccination services beginning and ending one hour after the conclusion of the vaccination services. The bill would define “picketing” for these purposes as protest activities engaged in by any person within 300 feet of a vaccination site, and would further define “vaccination site” as the physical location where vaccination services are provided, including, but not limited to, a hospital, physician’s office, clinic, or any retail space or pop-up location made available for large-scale vaccination services. The bill would impose a fine not exceeding $1,000, imprisonment in a county jail not exceeding 6 months, or by both that fine and imprisonment for a violation.

By creating a new crime, the bill would impose a state-mandated local program.