Stephen Frank, California Political News and Views, 5/24/21



With a 2-1 margin Summer Stephan won election as a Republican for District Attorney in San Diego.  Now she is running for re-election, as an NPP.  Below is an explanation of her leaving the GOP.  Now the San Diego Republican Party is promoting the re-election, through its communication venue, San Diego News Desk.com.  What happens when a Republican wants to run for the office—will the San Diego GOP support the Republican or help the former Republican?  If they help the former Republican it sends a BIG signal to others, you no longer need to be a Republican in California.  Enough of these folks and the GOP is dead.   For Attorney General, we have a candidate Sacramento DA Schubert—also a former Republican, now NPP—being endorsed by numerous GOP DA’s. 

We had the recent incident in a Special Election for State Senate in L.A. where Senator Shannon Grove, the former Senate GOP Leader talked a GOP candidate to run not as a Republican, which she was registered, but as an NPP.  Grove also did this in 2020 in SD 15 supporting an NPP for State Senate—and trying to talk Republicans out of running for that seat—and she did it WHILE the Senate GOP Leader.

The question has to be asked:  Does the Republican Leadership want to run Republicans for office?

Op-Ed: Summer Stephan, The Best District Attorney in California

May 20, 2021 05:06 pm | San Diego News Desk

Written by Natalia Perez San Diego District Attorney Summer Stephan has officially launched her re-election campaign for 2022. Before her election as District Attorney, she served as a Deputy District Attorney here in San Diego for 28 years where she tried over 100 jury trials. She has spent the last 4 years hard at work […]

The post Op-Ed: Summer Stephan, The Best District Attorney in California appeared first on San Diego News Desk.

“A life-long Republican, DA Stephen joined several other local politicians in quitting the party in 2019. In an interview, Stephan said her decision to re-register to “no party preference” was a professional one and declined to give her views on the Republican Party or the president. “I don’t want to opine about politics because that’s exactly what I’m trying to get away from,” she said in an interview.[4]”, from Wikepedia


1/  BUENOS DÍAS, good Tuesday morning . It’s once again Special Election Day as voters in Los Angeles fill another open seat in the Legislature — this time, the vacant AD-54, which Sen. Sydney Kamlager vacated for a spot in the upper house. There are five Democrats and one NPP vying for the D+56 seat.  Please note that once again, the LAGOP and the California Republian Party ran no candidate.  How do you build a Party if you have no candidates?  Better asked, why do you have a Party if you do not run candidates?

2.   This is what they call careful consideration of legislation in California.  In one day the Legislature looks at and decided the fate of 900 bills—IN ONE DAY.  Any wonder California is mismanaged and corrupt?  From the California Playbook

CHOPPING BLOCK: An annual spring ritual in Sacramento — a rapid-fire culling of legislation — spelled doom for universal basic income, pot for pets and other eye-catching proposals.

Nearly 900 bills were up for consideration today in the Senate and Assembly appropriations committees. By the time the dust had settled, 231 had gotten the ax.

Those that didn’t make the cut included a longshot effort to send Californians unconditional monthly cash payments of $1,000 and a Republican proposal to give families who endured a year of pandemic-induced virtual learning up to $2,500 per child

3.  Is Jenner running to re-create the BRAND and to be seen, or is the campaign real?  Th Washington Post says it best:

TWEET OF THE DAY: WaPo’s @DaveWeigel on Caitlyn Jenner’s gubernatorial campaign to date: “This is how you’d run a campaign to get the consultants paid, not how you’d run to get people to vote for it.”

— “The rise of the zero-issue candidate,” by the WaPo’s Philip Bump: “Caitlyn Jenner’s gubernatorial campaign in California isn’t much of a campaign at all; she’s released an ad full of California-ized rhetoric about the dangers of the left but hasn’t actually done much campaigning.”

4.  There is NO L.A. Times—it has moved to El Segundo and is the El Segundo Times.  Maybe if it reported the news, exposed the corruption of L.A. and Sacramento and wasn’t racist in its hiring policies, people would read it.  As of now, it is a BLM publicity rag.  Become a newspaper and folks would consider reding it and advertising in it.  The Sunday edition is as think as two ply toilet paper.

— “Patrick Soon-Shiong is still trying to save the Los Angeles Times. Some hope he’ll do more than that,” by the WaPo’s Sarah Ellison: “Soon-Shiong acknowledges he did not fully anticipate the difficulties of owning and running a major metropolitan newspaper such as the Los Angeles Times in the digital era.”

5. Democrats wearing binkies to wean themselves off of masks (From Babylon Bee)


 (Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know.  The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “Tom/Tom’s”.  This column is named in her honor.)