Stephen Frank, California Political News and Views,6/4/21

ALERT:  Be careful of grifters begging for money.  Some are asking for money for election integrity—but have no lawsuits, no data, just a computer and an Internet fund raising committee, along with a famous name to sign the request.  There is only ONE group, Election Integrity Project CA that is doing the work, won lawsuits and has 13 lawsuits to audit California Registrars of Voters.  Don’t allow the grifters to skim money from the real organizations.

Then you have the Recall grifters.  They are making claims of action for the Recall, opening offices, sending out volunteers.  One group has the temerity of declaring by implication THEY created the Recall—by asking you to donate money so you can be a Founding Recall member.  Of course it was RecallGavin2020 that issued the Recall, got the signatures and successful got enough signatures to place it in the ballot.  Along with that group you also have CalRevival and Rescue California that have raised millions to get the Recall on the ballot.  Going forward add to them Reform California which is providing signs, literature and other assistance to the Yes vote for the Recall.

As for the offices to be opened.  They are not being opened by any California organization.  The National Republican Congressional Committee will be opening the offices in California—probably by Labor Day, 2021—in the districts of Congress members Steel, Kim, Garcia and Valedao.  I would expect a couple more—one in the North and one in San Diego.

These are offices meant to re-elect GOP members of Congress—yes, the Republicans in California can use them and probably Recall material will be in the offices.  But, if we have an early Recall—Mid-August to September, the offices will be barely open.

To see an example of this go to Right On Daily and see the whole story.


You may have received an email from the California Republican Party about a concern they had about new voting regulations.  Here is part of the email:

CAGOP Objects to Secretary of State’s Harmful Drop Box Modifications

SACRAMENTO – Today, the California Republican Party submitted a letter to California Secretary of State Shirley Weber’s office opposing several proposed modifications to the state’s Vote-by-Mail Ballot Drop Box regulations. The letter voices concerns over two specific modifications: extending the deadline for all ballots to be retrieved by election officials from 11:59 PM on Election Day to 8 PM the following day and shielding disclosure to the public of the drop boxes that are delayed in being collected.”

The letter is wonderful, great letter by the CRP to the Secretary of State.  It fully explains the concern and problems.  But, the Chair and General Counsel know the value of a letter is the worth of the paper and ink.  Without a lawsuit stopping this, the CRP can say they oppose the new regulations—but the regulations became law.  This letter is pretend.  They are pretending to stop fraud.

Note the CRP has not sued to stop dead people and those that live out of State from getting live ballots?  Who cares what they say—though the General Counsel of the CRP, and the CRP by not correcting it, believes sending ballots to the dead is neither fraud nor corruption.

Stop the press releases—start the lawsuits and real action


  1. JOE COLLINS WATCH:  Two weeks ago Congressional candidate Joe Collins sent out a letter requesting donations to help fund his “lawsuit” against Maxine Waters.  At that time we searched the courts of L.A. and San Diego for the filing—and could not find one. 

So, we asked two questions of Mr. Collins.  1) please give us the court filing number.  2) you implied the case was before a judge—please give us the name of the Judge.

So far, no response—and NO actual court filing.  Be careful donating to a lawsuit that appears not to exist.  Again, Joe, please give me your filing number and I will promote your lawsuit for donations.  Until then, what am I and GOP voters to think?

On May 28 Collins sent another email asking for money for the lawsuit.  In part he wrote, “When we filed the lawsuit, Waters ignored the court filing and went on record saying “I don’t care what the law says.” Now she has to defend her malicious and defamatory behavior.”

As stated before we can not find any lawsuit by Joe Collins against Maxine Waters—which may be why she ignored him.  You will also note he is concerned that a Judge, supported by Sen. Dianne Feinstein will get the case.

Joe:  I will tell people to donate to you campaign once you publicly announce the lawsuit file number and the judge who is to hear the case.  So far, no one has seen a copy of a lawsuit that was filed, given a number and STAMPED as received by a Superior Court.  I can not in good conscience tell people to donate if they do not have the basic LEGAL information.

Looking forward to getting the needed information.

  • President Joe Biden visits Tulsa, Oklahoma, to mark the 100th anniversary of the city’s race massacre (More) | See background on the massacre here (More).  Note that Biden has Not apologized for the Democrat Party defense of slavery, creation of Jim Crow and segregationist laws, nor decades of suppressing the black vote.  Even Kamala Harris called him a racist in the debates last year.  Democrats need to apologize for their systemic racism.
  • Want to be a crime victim?  Go to Seattle—by July 1 they will have one third fewer cops on that date than today.  Oh, no one want to be a cop in Seattle—so no replacements.  This will happen to your town when government is turned over to the BLM.

Seattle Police expected to lose 300 officers by the end of the month, ‘that’s a third of the agency’

The Post Millennial, by The Post Millennial Original Article

posted by Ron_lfp — 6/1/2021 10:30:32 PM Post Reply

In a heartbreaking and revealing interview on The Ari Hoffman Show on Talk Radio 570 KVI, President of the Seattle Police Officer’s Guild Mike Solan said regarding police officers leaving the department, “At the end of this month [May]…we will be close to 300 officers (leaving), that’s a third of the agency.” (snip) In August, the Seattle City Council defunded the department in response to the riots following the death of George Floyd.

  • Even George Skelton of the LA Times makes sense sometimes.  He raises a good point:

TWEET OF THE DAY: George Skelton @LATimesSkelton: “Gov Newsom asks ‘what the hell is going on in the USA?’ on guns. Better question: What the hell is going on in his state of Ca? Toughest gun laws. Still mass shootings. What’s your solution in Ca, gov?”  (h/t California Playbook)  Could it be that the “tough gin laws” creates more victims—since they can not shoot back to stop the shooter?

  •  Maybe Katie Hill will have to go completely into the porn business to pay for her abuse of the legal system?  I am still guessing she runs for office in 2022.  Sorry, will not use her photo that shows her losing fight with cellulite.

A WIN FOR THE DAILY MAIL — “Katie Hill ordered to pay $220,000 in attorneys’ fees in revenge porn case,” by L.A. Times’ Seema Mehta


 (Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know.  The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “Tom/Tom’s”.  This column is named in her honor.)