Eber: Radicals triumph in port of Oakland

The Oakland City government, Guv Newsom and President Biden allowed a terrorists supporters stop an Israeli ship from unloading at the Port of Oakland.  Note these people have no problem with ships from the slave nation or China or the corrupt communist nation of Russia offloading goods—only the freedom supporting Israelis.  To me this proves Oakland Mayor Schaarf is an anti-Semite.  Oh, and why hasn’t Sen. Feinstein denounced this action and demanded an end to it.  Obviously, this is evidence she does not support Israel, the Free Market—but is OK with terrorists in our Ports.

“Last week a well organized group of some 500 plus protestors successfully picketed the terminal at the Port of Oakland preventing a Zim Navigation Israeli Flag container vessel from unloading their cargo. 

The protesters were advocates for the American Palestinian lobby fight against The United States long time allyBoth sponsorstheArab Resource and Organizing Center (AROC) and Critical Resistance  (CR) are joined at the hip leading protests against Israel.”

Freedom is falling apart in America and it is most obvious in California.

Radicals triumph in port of Oakland by Richard Eber

Occupy Oakland takes over paert of Port of Oakland railyard, photo courtesy Brian Sims, flickr

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views  6/8/21

Last week a well organized group of some 500 plus protestors successfully picketed the terminal at the Port of Oakland preventing a Zim Navigation Israeli Flag container vessel from unloading their cargo.  

The protesters were advocates for the American Palestinian lobby fight against The United States long time ally.  Both sponsorstheArab Resource and Organizing Center (AROC) and Critical Resistance  (CR) are joined at the hip leading protests against Israel.

This event garnered attention on local news casts throughout the State by leading outlets including NBC, ABC and the SF Chronicle.

None of those reporting at the Port of Oakland every mentioned that the protest was organized by radical Marxist anarchists who wish to overthrow the government of the United States.  They more resemble the Klu Klux Klan and Bolsheviks than ordinary citizens expressing their first amendment rights.

To be more specific AROC leader Hasim Hage made references to Israel being guilty of “ethnic cleaning” and “an apartheid campaign against the Palestinians” This is mild mannered compared to the words of his colleague Sharif Zakout.

Back in 2017 at a May Day rally He was quoted as saying, “Our liberation will be gained with the path that was written with the blood of our martyrs.”  Sharif concluded “We will stand with our Brothers and sisters in the streets and will find victory along with an end to the Zionist State.”

Along with their main objective of spreading anti-Israeli propaganda this Islamic group has attacked the premise of American Democracy.  Their campaign has been brilliantly executed through the efforts of Mohamed Shehk through a shell organization Critical Resistance.

In their on-line mission statement it was declared:

“It is a national grassroots organization building a movement to abolish the prison industrial complex (PIC). We think of the PIC as the system of surveillance, policing, and imprisonment that government, industry and their interests use as solutions to economic, social, and political problems.”

During Donald Trump’s administration, CR has been an advocate for prisoner’s rights, eliminating bail, defunding the police, and closing jails altogether.  They have also been a major force in the protest movement following George Floyd’s death. Mohamed Shehk has achieved considerable success in his work.

To show how radical these people are they have been major critics of Leftist VP Kamala Harris in the past.  CR  has also played a major role in fermenting the year of violence that has taken place  in Portland through their office there.

There is little doubt The Arab Resource and Organizing Center and Critical Resistance’s ambition is not to change the American system of government but rather to end it.  With this reality so obvious, why are these people allowed to do their work without any scrutiny from the mass media?

Don’t those who work in radio, TV, printed media, bloggers, and assorted media platforms know that if these leftist creeps come to power, the first group they will eliminate is the free press?

With this being the case how come protests such as shutting down commerce in the Port of Oakland occur without even minor scrutiny from those covering the event?

Where’s the investigative team from the TV stations when we need them most?  Don’t  they know that these Arab front organizations are partially funded by terrorist forces in the Middle East?

It was barely mentioned in news coverage that not allowing the Zim Freighter from unloading their cargo is a major violation of the Federal Government’s obligation to allow interstate commerce.

At the same time on May 25, the International Longshore and Warehouse Union Northern California District Council also expressed its support of the Palestinians in a written statement.  Knowing that shutting down the port is illegal, they sidestepped the question by citing “safety reasons” for not unloading the vessel last week.

As an individual who has been involved with international transportation for most of my life, I am especially disgusted by what transpired in Oakland.  Stuff like this seems to go on each day and no one seems to care.

Unfortunately such events will likely continue indefinitely while Progressive political forces are running the asylum.