The newly minted “Juneteenth” holiday, approved by the racist Joe Biden, celebrates the end of slavery in America.  That is a good thing.  But, when signing the bill to create the holiday Joe Biden refused to apologize for his racism.  Worse, slavery was defended by the Democrat Party and he did not apologize for the historically racist Democrat Party support of slavery.

To make up for it, the Democrat Parry needs to stop raising spending money on politics.  If they are truly sorry for supporting slavery they need to pay reparations to three groups.  First the descendants of the slave. , Second,  those harmed via Jim Crow laws, suppression of the black vote and segregation laws.

Finally they need to pay reparations to the descendants of the Union soldiers, who fought to free the slaves.  Until then they need to be banned from polite society.


By Richard Colman, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  6/19/21

The new June 19th federal holiday can kill jobs.

The holiday is designed to commemorate the end of slavery in the United States.  The holiday became law on June 17, 2021.

The holiday is sometimes called Juneteenth.

On June 19, 1865, federal troops arrived in Galveston, Texas.  The general in charge of the troops, Maj. Gen. Gordon Granger, according to the Wall Street Journal (June 17, 2021), “. . . issued an order freeing the nation’s last slaves.  The ratification of the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in December 1865 abolished slavery throughout the entire country.”

Why is the June 19th holiday likely to kill jobs?  There are two main reasons.

First, some businesses, especially small businesses, might not be able to afford to offer June 19th as a paid holiday or even as an unpaid day off.  These businesses might find that certain employees will resign because of a lost holiday or be fired for missing work on June 19th.

Second, when hiring, a business may have a choice among several ethnic groups, such as African-Americans, Latinos, Asians, and Jews.

The employer is under no legal obligation to hire anyone.  But some employers may decide that hiring an African-American worker will result in the worker’s demand for a paid June 19th holiday.  The odds are that workers of a different ethnic group may not be interested in a June 19th holiday — paid or unpaid.  So, the employer may decide to hire a non-African-American employee instead of an African-American employee.

The Wall Street Journal (again, June 17, 2021), reported:  “About a third of 405 companies said they gave national holidays such as Presidents Day off.  Fewer companies, or 13%, do so for Veterans Days, according to a survey conducted this year by employer firm Mercer, LLC.”

The Journal continued:  “Companies typically limit to nine the annual number of paid holidays for employees, according to Mercer’s survey.”

Some firms allow an employee to take a given day off but insist that he use vacation time.

Instead of making June 19th a federal holiday, the federal government should have decided to build a memorial to commemorate the end of slavery.

Anyone who has visited the Lincoln Memorial or the Vietnam War Memorial — both are in Washington, D.C. — is likely to remember vividly what he saw.

At the inside of the Lincoln Memorial are the words of the Gettysburg Address, perhaps one of the most eloquent speeches ever made anywhere.

At the Vietnam War Memorial, the names of all Americans killed in the Vietnam War are etched.  Visiting that memorial is an experience that a visitor is  lkely to remember for a lifetime.

Slavery in America is one of the worst atrocities that ever existed in the nation.  Having a memorial marking the end of slavery is likely to be a far more meaningful experience than having a holiday.

Think of Memorial Day, a day to commemorate the nation’s war dead. 

On Memorial Day, there is heavy advertising to buy such items as a new car.  If June 19th becomes another holiday linked to commercialism, then the real meaning of a June 19th holiday may be lost on millions of Americans.

Can you hear the June 19th advertising that may go like this:  “Come on down to ACE Auto.  Get $500 off on a new car and drive away a happy motorist?”