Stephen Frank, California Political News and Views, 6/21/21


There is discussion of a new congressional seat in the Kern County or the southern part of the Central Valley.  Two people would be the contenders for the seat:  Assemblyman Vince Fong and State Senator Shannon Grove.  That would be very divisive of the “Machine” since both are significant parts of the machine.  This could be why Fong did not vote on a new Minority Leader between Frank Bigelow and Heath Flora.  Both of whom are within a couple of votes of replacing current Leader Waldron.  The votes to replace her are present—only the votes for her replacement seem to be in doubt.

Of course a race between Fong and Grove could mean a NON MACHINE candidate would have an opening to take the new seat. 


  1. I have been asked who was that GOP County Chair that went to CRP General Counsel, behind the back of the ED/COO of the CRP  and the Board of Directors of the California Republican Party to issue a cease and desist order against Republicans volunteers.

The answer is San Fran GOP Chair John Dennis.  He got Ashley Titus, who did not get authorization from the Board of Directors, to issue a cease and desist order against a Republican volunteer club in San Fran.  Dennis, a perennial candidate, used his position to try to shut down GOP volunteers—in a County with only 7% GOP registration.  How much smaller does he want it to be?  Why would Titus do such a thing? (but remember, she is the one who said there was NO election fraud or corruption in the California November 2020 election, even though 440,000 dead people and folks who live out of State got live ballots).

Was it his goal to end GOP activism in the County?  Was he goal to show he WAS the GOP in San Fran and no one can operate without his permission and his instructions? Could this be why several members of the Central Committee have resigned?  Or does he think 7% registration is too high.   Let him run for Congress (again) and get leadership that wants to expand the GOP, not Cancel it, as Chair.

Another example of a GOP County Committee closing down, just jus the LAGOP.

  • Another example of Newsom using tax dollars to pay off interest groups to support him.  A union gets a pay raise—just in time for them to support keeping him in office.  Conflict of Interest or just an old fashion bribe?  You decide.

California state law enforcement union strikes deal to end pay cuts, restore raises,” by the Sac Bee’s Isabella Bloom: “The new pact for the California Statewide Law Enforcement Association restores wages and raises to about 7,000 workers. It also ends the personal leave program, which gave workers two unpaid days off each month in exchange for the pay cuts.”

  •  Will this money be spent to stop the anti-white hatred of BLM, Maxine Waters, and California colleges?  Will the money be spent to stop the California Democrat Party from introducing another ballot measure to limit the number of Asian students going to college?  Lost of hate—stop all of it.

California Asian American Legislators Seek ‘Historic’ $200 Million To Combat Hate,” by LAist’s Josie Huang: “The proposal is being pushed by the API Legislative Caucus after a rise in anti-Asian hate incidents and crimes over the last year. It would attempt to help affected communities through strategies ranging from promoting language access to offering alternatives to incarceration.”

  •  Rich Eber, one of our Exclusive writers for the California Political News and Views lives in Contra Costa County.  This is his impression of a Central Committee meeting:

The Episode recounted about Contra Costa Chairman Matt Shupe last week in Heard on the Tom Toms, made me laugh.  It reminded me of an incident a couple years ago when I registered to attend a special meeting of local Republicans he put on.

I was soon informed as a member of the news media, I was supposed to sign a non-disclosure agreement that would prevent me from disclosing confidential details at this event.  After declining this request, I was reluctantly admitted as a registered Republican.

As it turned out there were no surprises to be had.  While partaking in a catered lunch provided by Subway, it was agreed the GOP needed more representation from Blacks, Asians, and Hispanics.  As it turned out, there were only two people out of 100 in attendance at this event who fit this description.

Needless to say it is business as usual for the Contra Costa GOP.  They  do virtually nothing to register voters or place candidates on the ballot for the Legislature or Congress while maintaining confidentiality normally  reserved for the Politburo.


 (Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know.  The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “Tom/Tom’s”.  This column is named in her honor.)