If you don’t have a problem, you can’t show who is boss to the citizens. So San Fran, without a COVID problem will mandate vaccines—yet refuses to take financial liability if you get sick or die from the mandate.
“San Francisco’s Mayor London Breed (D) will require making indoors starting Tuesday for vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals with the city’s average seven-day death rate at 0.14, according to Google’s coronavirus tracker on August 1.
“Health officers for seven of the nine counties in the region… brought back the restriction in an effort to stem the rapid spread of the highly contagious delta variant of the coronavirus,” the San Francisco Chronicle reported.
Of course the city refuses to note that in L.A. 25% of those fully vaccinated get the virus and in San Diego, it is only 11%. So, they are demanding masks, forces employers to mandate the vaccine, refuse to tell anyone the risks and won’t take responsibility for bad outcomes. That is why few have any trust or respect for government.
San Francisco Will Require Vaccinated to Mask With 0.14 Average Death Rate

Wendell Husebø, Breitbart, 8/2/21
San Francisco’s Mayor London Breed (D) will require making indoors starting Tuesday for vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals with the city’s average seven-day death rate at 0.14, according to Google’s coronavirus tracker on August 1.
“Health officers for seven of the nine counties in the region… brought back the restriction in an effort to stem the rapid spread of the highly contagious delta variant of the coronavirus,” the San Francisco Chronicle reported.
San Francisco’s acting health officer Dr. Naveena Bobba claimed, “Indoor masking is a temporary measure that will help us deal with the delta variant, which is causing a sharp increase in cases and we know increases in hospitalizations and deaths will follow.”
The announcement comes shortly after Washington, DC’s mayor mandated the same measures last week. The city currently has a 0.43 seven-day average death rate, as of August 1 according to the Google coronavirus tracker.
When the White House was asked on Tuesday why vaccinated individuals must wear face coverings, press secretary Jen Psaki said the recommendations were due to the “transmissibility of the virus.”
“Because the public health leaders in our administration have made the determination, based on data, that that is a way to make sure they’re protected, their loved ones are protected,” she said. “That’s an extra step given the transmissibility of the virus.”
The result of the backtracking by the White House may be impacting President Joe Biden’s approval numbers, specifically regarding his coronavirus approval rating.
A Wednesday poll suggested the plurality of independents disapprove of Biden’s coronavirus response. Forty-five to forty-four percent of independents now disapprove of Biden’s coronavirus performance, which, incidentally was his strongest core issue.