Kathy Griffin did a meme a few years ago, with her beheading the President of the United States. For a couple of years she was persona non grata among the elites. Now she is back, as much of a hater as ever.
“Comedian Kathy Griffin said Monday in a preview clip of an interview that will air on ABC’s “Nightline” that her pill addiction kicked into “high gear” after her photoshoot controversy. Griffin posed, holding up a bloody, fake severed head of then-President Donald Trump.”
This woman is so lacking in intelligence she is blaming Donald Trump for her being addicted to pills. Like a real Progressive, she takes no responsibility for her actions—just blames others for her problems. She is a mental case and needs therapy and institutional support to rid herself of her addiction and mental illness.
Kathy Griffin: My Pill Addiction Kicked Into ‘High Gear’ After Trump Controversy

Pam Key. Breitbart, 8/2/21
Comedian Kathy Griffin said Monday in a preview clip of an interview that will air on ABC’s “Nightline” that her pill addiction kicked into “high gear” after her photoshoot controversy. Griffin posed, holding up a bloody, fake severed head of then-President Donald Trump.
Co-anchor Juju Chang asked, “How did you get lulled into it?”
Griffin said, “I got lulled into it really in the cliché way. I have to be honest. It really kicked into high gear when the Trump thing happened. Prior to that, I’m going to say I was dallying with a pill addiction in a way that wasn’t good. But then after that happened, I just thought, who cares?”
Chang asked, “Was there an injury or reason you first got the prescription?”
Griffin said, “Yeah, and it’s all the stories that you have heard. I mean, the first time I got speed was from some doctor on set. He gave me a drug called Provigil, which is just like Adderall. And he said, ‘Oh, I call this a 10 a.m. meeting.’ I said, ‘What does that mean?” He said, ‘Well, if you’ve got a show the night before, but you are up late, but at 10 a.m. the next day you’ve got to be really on, you take this, and you are all good for your 10 a.m. meeting.’ It’s a very Hollywood story.”