If people are paying attention, the Recall of Newsom will pass with a 60% vote. The 2022 elections will wipe out the Democrat Party—the historic Party of racism, Biden inflation and higher taxes, failed schools run by unions, the loss of Afghanistan and much more
“Traditional American culture says that individuals — not groups — have rights.
But a segment of the Democratic Party sees things differently. This segment wants political benefits to flow to groups — groups that hitherto have not fully benefited from America’s freedom and abundance.
The time has come for individuals to take personal responsibility for their actions. Let’s not blame American society for an individual’s failure to benefit from what America has to offer.
When he was president, Bill Clinton argued that government should give people a “hand up,” not a “handout.”
We need to take back personal responsibility over government—no more hands off attitude in hopes government will do the right thing. Now is the time for involvement.

By Richard Colman, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views 8/20/21
Traditional American culture says that individuals — not groups — have rights.
But a segment of the Democratic Party sees things differently. This segment wants political benefits to flow to groups — groups that hitherto have not fully benefited from America’s freedom and abundance.
The time has come for individuals to take personal responsibility for their actions. Let’s not blame American society for an individual’s failure to benefit from what America has to offer.
When he was president, Bill Clinton argued that government should give people a “hand up,” not a “handout.”
In the last few years, a part of the Democratic Party has become hostage to pressures sponsored by special interests. These interests want quotas on hiring and school admissions — especially university admissions.
In July 2021, Oregon passed legislation that, for public high schools, eliminates proficiency in reading, writing, and mathematics. Will top-notch universities want to admit graduates of Oregon public schools? The Oregon legislature is controlled by Democrats. The governor, Kate Brown, is a Democrat. A high school diploma in Oregon will become meaningless.
Is Oregon’s decision on high-school education likely to help or hurt talented graduates? Will these graduates gain the skills needed to compete with scientifically advanced nations? Today, the United States needs skilled individuals to work in such fields as1robotics, artificial intelligence, industrial productivity, agricultural productivity, and quantum computing.
Nations like Japan, South Korea, Germany, Israel, and China are threatening American competitiveness in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics — the so-called STEM subjects.
School boards in cities outside of Oregon are attacking talent. An example is Lowell High School in San Francisco. To attend Lowell, a student had to have talent. Beginning in the 2021-2022 school year, admission to Lowell will be by lottery, not talent.
What’s happening to Lowell is happen to other public high schools. Examples are Boston Latin in Massachusetts and Stuyvesant High School in New York City.
To win elections, a political party must appeal to centrist voters. The Democratic Party is going in the wrong direction.
Why are parts of the Democratic Party allowing certain foreigners to enter the United States illegally? To enter America, an individual must be proficient in English, be free of disease, and not have a criminal record.
Inflation (higher prices) is becoming common in America. Over the last 12 months, prices have risen by over five percent. Why do food, lumber, and other things cost so much? Inflation is a tax — a tax not supported by legislation.
Inflation hurts 100 percent of the population. Moreover, inflation bears down heavily on low-income people and senior citizens living on fixed incomes.
Many Democrats are saying that recent inflation is temporary. How do they know?
Currently, America is having trouble finding enough workers. “Help wanted” signs appear everywhere. Why are certain Democrats supporting government payments to able-bodied individuals who refuse to work?
In the area of criminal justice, certain Democrats want to remove cash bail for certain individuals arrested for crimes. In other cases, these Democrats want to reduce the penalties for individuals convicted of crimes.
In the area of national security, President Joseph Biden, a Democrat, adopted policies that on Aug. 15, 2021, allowed the Taliban, a terrorist group, to take control of Afghanistan. For 20 years, the American military has been fighting the Taliban. In Afghanistan, the Taliban has won — just as the Communists took over South Vietnam on Apr. 30, 1975.
From 1961 to 1973, 58,000 Americans died in the Vietnam War. At the war’s end, America was humiliated. There was no American victory in Vietnam.
If the Democratic Party is not careful, it will, in 2022, lose control of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives. Republicans can be expected to gain governorships and seats in state legislatures.
The Democrats need to adopt policies like those if Harry Truman and Bill Clinton. Failure to do so may mean Republican rule for a generation or more.