Will Joe Biden of Dr. Lyin Fauci take credit for the Taliban wearing masks during their terrorist take over of Afghanistan? When the Taliban stone women and gays, but wearing masks, will the Democrats praise them for being good global citizens, not wanting to spread the virus?
Think this is satire? Remember, CNN, using junk science think it is OK to force little children to wear masks, though the masks harm them. The L.A. Times so loves masks that on the opening of LAUSD, the Times reported the children all had broad smiles behind their masks—now the media has x-ray vision!
The media loves masks—as do criminals, terrorists and totalitarians.
CNN Praises Taliban For Wearing Masks During Attack

BabylonBee.com, 8/14/21
KABUL—Approximately twelve minutes after U.S. troops withdrew from Afghanistan, Taliban fighters have completely taken over the entire country.
“Woah, that’s a bummer,” said the Biden Administration’s foreign policy team. “We didn’t see that one coming.”
As the Taliban began its campaign of shooting and killing, as is their time-honored tradition, CNN anchors gushed with praise after noticing all the Taliban fighters were responsibly wearing masks to protect themselves and others from COVID.
“Wow! In the midst of the battle and bloodshed, these noble desert knights of Islamic superiority are wearing masks! Bravo!” said Brian Stelter.
TV anchor and world-renown polemicist Don Lemon was also quick to weigh in. “All things considered, we ought to be praising the COVID-safe masks these majestic mujahideen warriors are wearing,” he said.
“They are showing all of us the proper way to behave during a pandemic—something those horrible idiot Trump supporters don’t seem to get.”
Inspired by their example, the Biden Administration has invited the Taliban to the White House to record TikTok videos in hopes of convincing Trump supporters to get vaccinated.