This story tells it all. While promoting the vaccine, having made people who drown victims of the virus, now government is hiding the facts—the vaccine may not be working at all.
How do you hide it? Easy, if you are a doctor? Call the illness something else. In Britain four in ten victims of COVID, though vaccinated, are now coming down with other “diseases”. Did not know that Dr. Fauci controlled the British government as well.
How bad is the U.S. government? It is threatening to take away pensions and benefits of Marines who refuse to take the vaccine. This is as sick as it gets. The military is promoting hate of white people, bigotry, can not stand up to the Taliban, now wants to eliminate the heart of the military. What is wrong with government? Our military will be filled with brain dead folks, who do not question anything, instead are willing to take a drug that we still do not know the short or long term affects. But, we do know that young people, people that make up most in the military, are in for a life time of heart problems.

Daily Mail (UK), by Luke Andrew´s Original Article
Posted by zephyrgirl — 8/23/2021 4:04:41 PM Post Reply
More than four in 10 patients hospitalised with the Delta variant in England may have been admitted for something else, MailOnline’s analysis of official data suggests. Public Health England’s fortnightly update on coronavirus strains circulating around the country showed 7,285 people had spent at least one night in hospital with the mutant virus by August 15. But it admitted as many as 3,154 (43 per cent) had likely come to A&E for ‘a diagnosis unrelated to Covid’ and tested positive later through routine swabbing.
Memo: Military Threatens to Revoke Benefits
From Marines Who Decline COVID Vaccine
Free Beacon, by Joseph Simonson Original Article
Posted by Come And Take It — 8/23/2021 3:38:08 PM Post Reply
Marines will lose their pensions, tuition assistance, and access to the G.I. bill, along with other military benefits, if they refuse the COVID-19 vaccination, according to internal emails reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon. An Aug. 18 email from Col. Teague Pastel, a commanding officer at the Marine Barracks in Washington, D.C., told colleagues that although “vaccines are still voluntary,” the military believes “they will become mandatory in the near future.” The penalties for refusing the coronavirus vaccination, Pastel wrote, should be in line with others for insubordination. Those penalties include “administration separation,” a demerit in the Marine’s personal file, as well as the forfeiture of various retirement and financial benefits.