The Taliban have started to kill homosexuals. They have informed women they can no longer drive cars, have a job—and if they leave home must be in the company of a relative—or they could be stoned to death—like the gays. Notice that Jane Fonda has said NOTHING is defense of the women. Nor has NOW or any feminist organization that send out press releases calling every Republican a racist, misogynist homophobe.
“Here’s the list of the strongest LGBTQ+ supporters over the past decade. Every single one of them has remained silent on the unmitigated disaster facing gays in Afghanistan: George Takei, Elliot Page, Ryan Murphy, Ellen Degeneres, Dan Savage, Neil Patrick Harris, Rosie O’Donnell, Patton Oswalt, Kerry Washington, Daniel Ratcliffe, Brad Pitt, Beyonce, Cyndi Lauper, Kathy Griffin, Anne Hathaway, Katy Perry, Barbra Streisand, Cher and Lady Gaga.
These celebrities benefited by tying themselves to a cause that was culturally popular and sexy to promote. With their silence now, it clearly meant nothing more to them than likes, follows, paparazzi and prestige. These hypocritical narcissists used gay people to further their own fame and deserve public ridicule for doing so. They, along with organizations such as the Human Rights Campaign, the dominant gay organization (also silent on Afghan gays) expose themselves as the Democrat activists they are. They are silent because their leader in the White House caused this current human rights disaster and they know it.
These are phonies. Until they demand the Taliban be overthrown, these Hollywood phonies need to be ignored—they are looking for the press not the policy.
Hollywood is Obsessed with Gay Rights – When Convenient

Afghanistan reveals celebrity LGBT support as hollow act of political partisanship
By Joel Brizzee, California Glob, 8/30/21
The United States is one of the most pro-gay countries in the world. In a relatively short period of time a minority group that was outcast from society, maligned by both major political parties, ignored during the AIDS epidemic and treated as second class citizens have come to find themselves enjoying equal rights, marriage equality, employment protections and are represented (if not glorified) in almost every industry today. Regardless of political or religious affiliation, the vast majority of Americans believe that gay men and women should be able to live a life of freedom, safety and enjoy the wealth of opportunity that America has to offer.
During the last twenty years, in particular, the LGBT population has benefitted from the activism of stars and starlets who advocated for LGBT rights. However, something remarkable is occurring. Regarding the plight of LGBT people in Afghanistan (and the Middle East at large), these Hollywood superstars are silent. Even worse, celebrities who identify as a part of this group also remain mute.
It’s difficult to write this editorial as I consider my own past. As a closeted gay man until I was 24, I remember quietly watching these stars on the big screen fight for change as they made impassioned speeches and gave bold interviews. They spoke to how gays should not have to live in fear or shame in America. I believed that these superstars were fighting for me because it was a fight I was too scared or too weak to take on myself.
Over the past couple of years, but more particularly over the past couple of weeks, it has become abundantly clear that these actors really are just actors. None of these actorvists, not one, has spoken out about the disastrous actions of the Biden Administration’s precipitous pull-out from Afghanistan and the harsh reality that gay men like myself will face as the country is taken over by extremists.
The heartbreaking consequences of Joe Biden’s feckless actions in Afghanistan are brutal for gay men. Yet, he’s still framed as the “most pro-LGBTQ President in American history.” What a joke. While Donald Trump and former Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell were busy creating coalitions and initiatives to outlaw the criminalization of homosexuality around the globe, Joe Biden is now essentially promoting it.
Here’s the list of the strongest LGBTQ+ supporters over the past decade. Every single one of them has remained silent on the unmitigated disaster facing gays in Afghanistan: George Takei, Elliot Page, Ryan Murphy, Ellen Degeneres, Dan Savage, Neil Patrick Harris, Rosie O’Donnell, Patton Oswalt, Kerry Washington, Daniel Ratcliffe, Brad Pitt, Beyonce, Cyndi Lauper, Kathy Griffin, Anne Hathaway, Katy Perry, Barbra Streisand, Cher and Lady Gaga.
These celebrities benefited by tying themselves to a cause that was culturally popular and sexy to promote. With their silence now, it clearly meant nothing more to them than likes, follows, paparazzi and prestige. These hypocritical narcissists used gay people to further their own fame and deserve public ridicule for doing so. They, along with organizations such as the Human Rights Campaign, the dominant gay organization (also silent on Afghan gays) expose themselves as the Democrat activists they are. They are silent because their leader in the White House caused this current human rights disaster and they know it.
What’s fascinating about this situation is that the only people who are calling attention to the brutal reality that Afghan gays are facing consist primarily of gay Republicans. For example, Chadwick Moore, Chief Editor of OutSpoken and Fox News contributor has written extensively on this issue over the past few months, shedding light on the stories of gay men in Afghanistan who now live in fear. Moore writes, “As the Taliban slowly regains some control in the country, threats of punishment under sharia law of gay men are similar to the punishments seen in Iraq and Syria. Gay men, and those accused of being gay, were repeatedly thrown from the tops of buildings, stoned to death by large crowds, and shot in the head.”
Meanwhile, back in America these famous, woke, leftist ideologues are busy redefining gender, arguing over pronoun usage and expanding the alphabet community’s acronym to a now ridiculous “LGBTQQIP2SAA.”
A terrifying reality for gay Afhanis
In interviews conducted by Insider, a gay Afghan man shares the current circumstance of a gay Afghan man. “Ghulam is so terrified of being identified as gay and put to death, that he has not left his home since the Taliban took over. We cannot go out because we are just scared for our lives.” In no way do I intend to minimize pain felt by gay Americans over the past 50 years. But in contrast to the situation Joe Biden has created in Afghanistan, I am beyond grateful I never lived in a country where I thought I’d be murdered if outed.
And yet, stars like George Takei, an out gay man and Hollywood activist, ignore these men completely. I guess he’s too busy tweeting about vaccine mandates, Marjorie Taylor Greene and even defending Joe Biden’s Afghanistan mess by blaming Trump for it. He clearly voted against the interests of his own community by supporting Joe Biden.
Elliott (formerly Ellen) Paige received fame twice by being a part of the LGBT community. In 2014 at the Human Rights Campaign Time to Thrive conference, the actress came out as a lesbian and praise was lavished upon her. Later, in 2020, she came out again as transgender, change her name to Elliot and then praise was lavished upon “him” ever since. Elliott has benefited greatly from the gay community yet says nothing for the sufferings of those under the brutal Taliban regime. It’s shameful.
Even Rosie O’Donnell, a woman known for being a trailblazer for gay rights when she came out in the 90’s is simply tweeting support of Biden, orange man bad nonsense, and completely ignoring the devastating consequences of Joe Biden’s heartless actions. Maybe Donald Trump was right about her.
Lady Gaga, the most famous “straight ally” and strong supporter of Joe Biden, has been busy doing what she does best: self-promotion. She is known around the world for this famous lyric: “No matter gay straight or bi, lesbian transgender life, I’m on the right track baby I was born to survive.” Sorry to burst your bubble, lady, but the gays in Afghanistan are not going to survive. They will be hunted down, butchered and forgotten by you. Your “Poker Face” really is impressive because your activism is utter bullshit.
A book could be written about this issue and some outlets are finally calling out Hollywood’s silence generally on Afghanistan. The examples are almost endless – Kerry Washington enjoyed being the recipient of GLAAD’s Media 2015 Vanguard Award, but says nothing today. Daniel Ratcliffe received the Celebrity Straight Ally award in 2015 from the British LGBT Awards, and Harry Potter can’t be bothered by the cries of gays being murdered. Anne Hathaway is the same. So is Lena Dunham. All of them are.
While these actors may still hold weight concerning other causes they highlight, their record of LGBT activism is forever stained . Their past actions mean nothing. They were hollow, vapid and worthless. These brave speeches and bombshell interviews were nothing more than vacuous words meant to titillate ears and feed their unquenchable thirst for self-grandeur.
Stop listening to them.