While vice President under Obama, Joe Biden supports the anti-Israel policies, anti-Jewish policies of Barack.  Now, at a time of the Jewish New Year, the historically anti-Semitic Joe Biden is sending out Jewish New Year greetings—while trying to kill off Israel.

Though Dr. Colman mentions th use of Jews during World War!! by FDR, he fails to mention that Roosevelt hated Jews—remember, he was the President that sent a boat load of Jews escaping from Nazi Germany, back to Hitler.  Today Democrats welcome illegal aliens abusing our nation.  Just as the Democrats are the historically racist Party, they are also the vicious anti-Jewish Party. 

Truman accepted Israel as a nation—since then the Democrats have been trying to turn over this free State to the terrorists of the Middle East.  Trump crated a path for co-existence between Israel and her Arab neighbors.  Biden has gone back to the Obama policies to kill off Israel—and today th accords create by President Trump are no longer working—thanks to the demented Biden.


By Richard Colman,  Exclusive to the California Political News and View,  9/9/21

Jews are an accomplished people.

But new trends in the Democratic Party are hampering Jews’ ability to get ahead.

This time of year is important to Jews.  At sundown on Monday, September 6, 2021, a new Jewish new year arrived.  On the Hebrew calendar, the new year is 5782. 

There is a movement among sectors of American society.  The movement calls for more diversity, inclusion, and equity in America.  The movement ignores talent and is silent on the subject of Jewish participation in American culture.

Jews make up two percent of the American population.  In California, the figure is three percent.

When America needed an atomic bomb during World War II, many of the chief scientists working on the bomb were Jews.  Three prominent scientists who helped develop the bomb were Jews:  J. Robert Oppenheimer; Leo Szilard; and Edward Teller.

The scientist who served as the catalyst for making America’s atomic bomb was Albert Einstein, who, in a 1939 letter to President Franklin Roosevelt, warned that Nazi Germany may be trying to develop such a bomb.  Einstein was a German Jew who emigrated to America after Adolf Hitler came to power in Germany in 1933.  Einstein, while a German citizen, won the Nobel Prize in physics in 1921.  Einstein is perhaps America’s most famous immigrant.

Jews are being threatened in high school admissions.  Lowell High School in San Francisco has a significant Jewish population.  For decades, Lowell has been a public high school for talented students.  However, beginning in the 2021-2022 school year, admission to Lowell will be by lottery, not talent.

Interestingly, there is a movement to recall (remove) from office three members of the San Francisco school board, the board that imposed the lottery plan.

Other public high schools are feeling the same pressures as Lowell.  Stuyvesant High School in New York City and the Boston Latin School in Massachusetts are being pressed to go to an admissions system based on a lottery.  Both schools have significant numbers of Jewish students.

In 2010, David Brooks, a columnist for the New York Times, made the following observation:  “Jews are a famously accomplished group.  They make up 0.2 percent of the world population, but 54 percent of the world chess champions, 27 percent of the Nobel physics laureates, and 31 percent of the medicine laureates.”

The Democratic Party, in California and other states, is leaning toward a system in which ethnicity, not talent, is a major  factor in university admissions and in job hiring.

Within the Democratic Party in the U.S. House of Representatives, there is a squad of Congresswomen who are not strongly supportive of Israel.  Israel is a secular Jewish state.  While indifference to Israel does not automatically mean that a person is anti-Semitic, there is a good chance that anti-Israeli feelings are closely aligned with anti-Semitism.

The squad of Congresswomen has four main members:  Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-New York); Ilhan Omar (D-Minnesota); Rashida Tlaib (D-Michigan); and Ayanna Pressley (D-Massachusetts).  The four Congresswomen are known as “progressives.”

The Democratic Party needs to get away from bias based on ethnicity.  The party must return to its traditional roots of being a party that abhors discrimination of any kind.

Current developments suggest that there is an odor of anti-Semitism in the Democratic Party.  It’s time to get rid of the smell.