Do you recognize the policies of Joe Biden toward American society?  Though demented, he is repeating the policies of a Fascist.


“UPDATED: Almost immediately after taking power, Joe Biden and the Democrat Party (DNC) began rolling out a series of COVID anti-vaxxer decrees and orders. These Anti-Vaxxer laws were aimed at removing non-vaccinated people from public and professional life in the United States, as well as marginalizing them politically, socially, and economically.



ORIGINAL: Almost immediately after taking power, Adolf Hitler and the National Socialists (NSDAP) began rolling out a series of anti-Semitic decrees and orders. These Anti-Jewish laws were aimed at removing Jews from public and professional life in Germany, as well as marginalizing them politically, socially, and economically.”


Today we are seeing doctors, Jimmie Kimmel and others saying if you have not been vaccinated you should not get medical care for a broken arm or cancer.  You have Dems like Newsom, Pelosi and Sanders wanted to end your Second Amendment rights.  Then you have the Biden Administration declaring the Constitution, Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence as “biased and outdated”—giving reason for his Fascist policies against the people of the United States.






Robin Itzler, Patriot Neighbors,  email: [email protected], 9/13/21


Happy New Year to our Jewish readers! The High Holy Days started with Rosh Hashanah (New Year) on Sept. 6 and concludes with Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) on Sept. 16. This is the most important period of the Jewish calendar. Considering that we are just one generation from the Holocaust with elderly survivors still with us, it was disheartening to read the Sept. 5 Associated Press article that included:


At Valley Beth Shalom, a conservative synagogue in Encino, California serving about 10,000 people, no unvaccinated worshippers will be allowed on the campus during the holy days. That includes all children under 12 because they’re ineligible for vaccinations, a decision Rabbi Noah Farkas called “the saddest thing we did this year.”



Now read this updated paragraph and then compare it to the original paragraph from an online Holocaust website.


UPDATED: Almost immediately after taking power, Joe Biden and the Democrat Party (DNC) began rolling out a series of COVID anti-vaxxer decrees and orders. These Anti-Vaxxer laws were aimed at removing non-vaccinated people from public and professional life in the United States, as well as marginalizing them politically, socially, and economically.



ORIGINAL: Almost immediately after taking power, Adolf Hitler and the National Socialists (NSDAP) began rolling out a series of anti-Semitic decrees and orders. These Anti-Jewish laws were aimed at removing Jews from public and professional life in Germany, as well as marginalizing them politically, socially, and economically.



There are many valid reasons to take the COVID vaccine as there are not to take the jab. Americans should decide what is best for them. Period. Two key reasons the United States has not followed Australia and morphed into a totalitarian nation are:


No Second Amendment – patriotic gun owners protect the United States from tyranny.

No Socialized Medicine – the government can’t mandate that only vaccinated people receive medical care.