Teacher Union’s Israel Condemnation Said to Encourage Anti-Semitic Violence in San Diego

If you replaced the Board of Directors of the San Diego teachers Union with the Board of Directors of the Palestinian State, ideologically you would not see a difference.

“Tammy Gillies, regional director for the Anti-Defamation League in San Diego, said the resolution will isolate students and staff who are supportive of Israel and “for whom a connection to Israel is part of their Jewish identity.”

“This resolution could have implications in the classroom, and we fear that when people demonize Israel, denigrate its government, negate its fundamental legitimacy, and hold it to double standards, it can be anti-Semitic and can spawn anti-Jewish violence,” said Gilles in a statement on Monday.

AFT Guild Local 1931, which represents teachers and staff at the San Diego and Grossmont-Cuyamaca community college districts, approved a resolution earlier this month condemning Israel and questioning the Jewish state’s right to exist.

They are already teaching hat and bigotry, the end of free speech and promotion of bullying—now like 1930’s Germany the San Diego teachers union is teaching the hate of Jews.  Will someone is San Diego spoke out against this?

Teacher Union’s Israel Condemnation Said to Encourage Anti-Semitic Violence in San Diego

by Chris Jennewein, Times of San Diego,  9/14/21 

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A national Jewish organization said condemnation of Israel by the American Federation of Teachers local at San Diego community colleges could cause Jewish students to feel isolated and lead to anti-Semitic violence.

Tammy Gillies, regional director for the Anti-Defamation League in San Diego, said the resolution will isolate students and staff who are supportive of Israel and “for whom a connection to Israel is part of their Jewish identity.”

“This resolution could have implications in the classroom, and we fear that when people demonize Israel, denigrate its government, negate its fundamental legitimacy, and hold it to double standards, it can be anti-Semitic and can spawn anti-Jewish violence,” said Gilles in a statement on Monday.

AFT Guild Local 1931, which represents teachers and staff at the San Diego and Grossmont-Cuyamaca community college districts, approved a resolution earlier this month condemning Israel and questioning the Jewish state’s right to exist.

The resolution criticizes Israel for “its 73-year occupation of this land” and calls for Palestinians to be returned to areas they left after the United Nations’ creation of Israel in 1948

The national union rejected a similar anti-Israel resolution in July, and President Randi Weingarten expressed concerns Tuesday about the San Diego local’s resolution