Hollywood Elites at Emmys: COVID Regulations are for the Peons NOT US

Once again Hollywood, home of sex perverts, drug addicts, alcoholics bed hoppers and haters of Freedom, have shown they are above the law.

This is the current L.A. regulation  on masks:  “:The current Los Angeles County guidance is pretty clear: “The LA County Health Officer Order requires people aged 2 years and older, regardless of vaccination status, to wear a face mask in all indoor public settings, including all public and private businesses, and at outdoor Mega Events.”

Yet none of the arrogant rich, bigots wore a mask.  To them the regulations are a joke—though they want us to lose our jobs, close churches and schools—but attend their movies.  The good news is that movie revenues are down 75% and TV watching is also massively declined.    Also, note that the big Emmy winners were on Netflix and Apple+.  I n others words you have to pay a lot of money just to see those shows—again, Hollywood is not for the real people—just the rich hypocrites.

‘This Is Insane’: Elites Gather for Emmys in L.A. Where Apparently COVID Doesn’t Exist Anymore

Spencer Brown, Townhall, 9/19/21 


The 73rd Primetime Emmy Awards were held in downtown Los Angeles Sunday evening and, from the way TV’s liberal elite acted, the Wuhan coronavirus is apparently over.

In a crowded room, there wasn’t a mask in sight as TV’s alleged greatest packed around dinner tables with inches between them in the “outdoor” ballroom that definitely had four walls and some sort of roof. Dancing together, singing, shaking hands, and kissing cheeks made it seem like a replay of the 2019 Emmys when no one knew what a Wuhan was. 

The lack of masks and social distance — the same thing for which normal people have been scolded by many of the same entertainment elites now enjoying a party without such restrictions — was not missed by those in the room. 

Seth Rogen got up to present an award and pointed out the lack of COVID protocol foisted on everyday Angelenos and Americans across the country in a half-joking, half-serious monologue.

“Good to be here at the Emmy Awards,” Rogen said. “Let me start by saying: there’s way too many of us in this little room – what are we doing? They said this was outdoors—it’s not! They lied to us. We’re in a hermetically-sealed tent right now,” the actor noted. 

“I would not have come to this. Why is there a roof? It’s more important that we have three chandeliers than that we make sure we don’t kill Eugene Levy tonight, that is what has been decided. This is insane. I went from wiping my groceries to having Paul Bettany sneeze in my face—so, that’s a big week! If anyone’s gonna sneeze in my face, Paul, I want it to be you.”

The current Los Angeles County guidance is pretty clear: “The LA County Health Officer Order requires people aged 2 years and older, regardless of vaccination status, to wear a face mask in all indoor public settings, including all public and private businesses, and at outdoor Mega Events.”

And yet, for our supposed betters gathered in L.A., they can party as they please with nary a mask in sight because they want to see people and live it up. And who can blame them? But for common folk to be subject to a different set of rules than the powerful elite is just more of the same COVID hypocrisy that’s typified the Wuhan coronavirus era. Even now, it’s unlikely Dr. Fauci will take to TV to fret about the safety of those at the Emmys as he’s done with college football games in recent days.