Eber: Following the President’s leadership?

How can you call someone a “leader” if they can not answer questions and their staff stops them from answering questions?  How do you call someone a leader who looks for 12 year old girls to fondle, smell their hair and act like a creepy pervert?  Why would you call someone a leader who tells American they must be vaccinated—but allow hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens in this country without being tested or taking the vaccine.

“Instead of telling consumers they must obey the government’s edicts, pitch men prefer to say 4 out of 5 doctors recommend the remedy that is being pitched. Somehow trying to appeal to reason is superior to the President’s militant tone.  Even if Biden is right, at least half the listeners believed his Afghanistan withdrawal plans sucked, the 6.3 trillion dollar infrastructure=social welfare bill contributes to inflation, and his border policy with Mexico is a disaster.

So we come to a point where the unvaccinated can say to themselves, “why the hell do I want to keep listening to this fool?”   Even those who have received the jab have doubts about Biden’s credibility

If you really think the jab works, ask the comedian Chris Rock, fully vaccinated, who came down with the virus.  Note that BEFORE the vaccinations, almost no children got the virus, now, with 70% having taken the jab, the virus is rampant among school kids.  I am not a scientist, but even I have to question if the vaccine has caused super spreaders—especially among the parents of the kids

Following  the President’s leadership? By Richard Eber

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  9/23/21 

President Joe Biden did not mince his words.  In a prime time address to the Country he implored those who have not received the Covid-19 vaccines to do so at once.  Biden stated:

“These pandemic politics, as I refer to, are making people sick, causing unvaccinated people to die.  We cannot allow these actions to stand in the way of protecting the large majority of Americans who have done their part and want to get back to life as normal.  As your President, I’m announcing tonight a new plan to require more Americans to be vaccinated, to combat those blocking public health. “

Far from taking the “softer side of Sear’s” approach, the President was acting the part of an Army drill Sergeant, giving few options to recruits.  In reality he reminded me of a Junior Fire Marshal with no authority to impose his will on others.

Biden wasn’t especially effective because most of the viewers listening to his speech are among the 180 million Americans who have already received their Covid-19 vaccinations.  In addition:

  • Those who are holding out are apprehensive because of medical reasons and lack of faith in what they have been told by so called experts headed by Anthony Fauci. The contradictions of Fauci pertaining to mask wearing have rendered him damaged goods.
  • Empirical Scientific evidence points towards Covid-19 originating in a Wuhan China lab yet for a year Biden’s people have labeled such thoughts as conspiracy theory.
  • Biden and his cohorts trashing Donald Trump, who has been acknowledged to have done an excellent job pushing ahead the development of vaccines.  These Progressives are so filled with hatred of our last President, that all logic has been drained from their being.

The approach of Biden to influence his fellow Americans runs completely contradictory how medicine, vitamins, hearing aids, and other goods have been sold to the public.

Every day and night, we are deluged with commercials trying to influence consumers to purchase drugs and equipment to deal with everything from PMS to Cancer.  Even if the sales people  pitching consumers are not doctors, at least they are dressed up in lab coats.

Instead of telling consumers they must obey the government’s edicts, pitch men prefer to say 4 out of 5 doctors recommend the remedy that is being pitched. Somehow trying to appeal to reason is superior to the President’s militant tone.  Even if Biden is right, at least half the listeners believed his Afghanistan withdrawal plans sucked, the 6.3 trillion dollar infrastructure=social welfare bill contributes to inflation, and his border policy with Mexico is a disaster.

So we come to a point where the unvaccinated can say to themselves, “why the hell do I want to keep listening to this fool?”   Even those who have received the jab have doubts about Biden’s credibility

 These groups of whom I belong are the same individuals who at 2:30 am send money to a guy sawing his boat in half and making it serviceable with Flex-Glue. We also purchase second mortgages on the word of Frank Reagan (Tom Selleck) star of Blue Bloods.  We also buy discount hearing aids, diabetes medication; sexual performance aids allergy pills, and a host of other products that would fill the shelves of Walgreen’s.

In evaluating what services that might be needed on the insomnia circuit, it comes down to who folks believe they can trust.  It doesn’t hurt if the magic words “but wait there’s more” are spoken.  Knocking off monthly payments, giving customers extra accessories, or even offering free delivery  are  good steps that can build consumer confidence.

Adapting such a perspective, the President needs to change his approach.

Perhaps Joe Biden should dress up like a doctor.  This is similar to him putting on a suit and pretending he is President.  Anyone in their right mind knows that Uncle Joe can barely remember his name without a teleprompter.  At press conferences he confesses not being able to answer any more questions because his handlers want to pull the plug…

It is obvious that someone else is performing the function of the Wizard of Oz pulling Biden’s strings so he isn’t embarrassing himself even more.

One can’t help but feel sorry for poor old Joe.  Each day he should be playing bingo at the Senior Center and concerning himself what the featured entre night be on the early bird special menu. Instead, the intellectually challenged President finds himself way over his head trying to impersonate the leader of the free world.

I personally empathize with the position Joe Biden faces over the next three and one half years. The job is simply too much for him.  What are the alternatives than retiring and hand over the keys of the empire to Vice-President Kamala Harris?

This is where things get sticky

When Harris was nominated as the running mate of Biden was concerned about her previous record in office.  That’s what they problem was.  There was no record.  Going back to her days as DA in San Francisco, Harris’s main attribute was running for office and being a champion of the oppressed.

Here are the trick questions. “What piece of legislation did Kamala author that ever passed the Senate?”  Has she ever worked with a Republican to do anything?  Who does Harris get along with?  What executive function has Harris achieved while VP other than her trip to Central America and Vietnam?

Yipes!  Kamala Harris is a complete bust.  Even other progressives know this but are afraid to admit such “point of Information”  in public settings.

With this being the case the rest of us, not named Bernie, Elizabeth Warren, and the Squad, need to prop up Joe Biden for the next 40 months.   We can send him vitamin supplements, Ensure, spare hearing aids, and a lab coat to supplement his wardrobe.

I’m going to have to veto Biden operating the Flex Glue boat because he likely cannot steer it, even across the Delaware.

In addition we should stop asking Joe difficult questions (or any questions) at press conferences.  We need to pretend everything is OK and he can  enjoy as much vacation as he desires.  

And please let Frank Reagan and his family run all the police departments in the USA.  It’s about time someone stands up for our rights.