Stephen Frank, California Political News and Views, 9/28/21 



One of the reasons the Recall failed is the failure of the California Republican Party to register voters.  While the Vice Chair Peter Kuo has been in charge of the effort—and the Chair says this is a priority, the numbers tell the story.

From the Secretary of States website:

October 19, 2020

Republicans      5,334,323  24.2%



August 30, 2021

Republican       5,298,738    24%

Democrats   10,265,897

So in ten months the Republicans LOST  36,000 voter—the Democrats GAINED  95,000 voters   Can we continue to afford this loss of voters—imagine what this means for 2022. That is 131,00 voter turn around in favor of the Democrats.

Since the Republican Party will not register voters it is up to us to save the State.  How many seats will we lose because of this and the GOP allowing the Democrats to normalize the dead and those out of State voting?


  1.  In an email from Bryan Watkins, the CEO of the California Republican Party, sent right after the Recall election he told us to be like goldfish.  Why?  Because goldfish forget ten seconds after a situation.  Actually, according to Wikipedia, “Goldfish have a memory-span of at least three months”.  Either way, we do not want to be like goldfish—we need to be like sharks.  And, maybe that is the problem, the CRP does not want to be like a shark, but like a goldfish in a small bowl swimming in circles.

During the convention Bryan Watkins came to me, in front of several people demanding that I not discuss his “staff”—that if I had a problem I should only mention him.  Guess he was upset that I mentioned the General Counsel of the CRP, Ashlee Titus claimed there was no fraud or corruption in the November 2020 election.  At the legal panel at the convention she was a participant and NEVER mentioned the 440,000 dead people and those that live out of State that got a live ballot—as if that was not evidence of fraud and corruption.  In a couple of days I will do a story about WHY the CRP will not take on this issue and by doing so has NORMALIZED the dead and those in other States getting live ballots.  Please note in her Chairman’s report on Sunday, Patterson also ignored the normalization of dead people getting ballots.

  • From Politico:  “TWEET OF THE DAY: CAGOP Consultant Matt Shupe @MattShupePR: “What will we change moving forward? How will we adapt? We cannot continue to do the same thing over and over and over again hoping that maybe next time it will be different. We’re not even fighting the last war, we’re fighting the last century’s war.”

He is right—we should stop doing things the same way as we have for several years.  For instance, we have NOT done any voter registration—that would help.  The August 7 “convention” was to anoint Kevin Faulconer and use the CRP as his campaign tool—that backfired big time.  The CRP should being suing for honest elections, not just collecting money in the name of “honest elections”.  Another thing, per Matt we should not be doing is raising money for one thing—like the Recall—and then not spend the money on that project.

  • This is what dementia looks like:

Biden Says 97% To 98% Of Americans Need To Be Vaccinated Before Returning To Normal

Daily Caller, by Anders Hagstrom Original Article

Posted by Come And Take It — 9/27/2021 5:56:40 PM Post Reply

Almost 100 percent of Americans need to be vaccinated before the country can safely return to normal, President Joe Biden claimed Monday. Biden said that “97%, 98%” is the goal as a country during his much-publicized appointment to receive a COVID-19 booster shot Monday. He offered no explanation for the number. Medical experts, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, have predicted that herd immunity would only require 70% to 85% of Americans to be vaccinated.

  • This is what total weakness looks like:

U.S. Threatens ‘Diplomatic Retaliation’ Against Iran for Obstructing Nuclear Inspectors

Breitbart National Security, by John Hayward Original Article

Posted by earlybird — 9/27/2021 5:33:15 PM Post Reply

The U.S. on Monday accused Iran of violating an agreement made only two weeks ago by barring International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspectors from a workshop where uranium enrichment centrifuges are produced. The U.S. threatened Iran with “diplomatic retaliation” if it continues obstructing inspectors. The centrifuge facility at TESA Karaj became a major concern for the IAEA in June when monitoring cameras at the site were apparently sabotaged and removed by the Iranians. Footage from one of the destroyed cameras remains unaccounted for. (snip) The IAEA complained Iran was not allowing it to access monitoring cameras at several nuclear facilities, even though their memory cards were filling up with data.

  •  In a few days I will have comments on the CRP convention, the booing of the Chair by most of the convention, as well as allowing self-appointed people to have credentials and give proxies—without the legal authority.

Dementia Kicking In? Biden Claims His $3.5 Trillion Spending Package Actually
Costs $0

Trending Politics, by Collin Rugg Original Article

Posted by Imright — 9/27/2021 4:43:07 PM Post Reply

Math: Something President Joe Biden can’t comprehend. According to Biden, or whichever handler runs his Twitter account, his $3.5 trillion spending package actually costs “zero dollars.”“ My Build Back Better Agenda costs zero dollars,” Biden claimed in a Twitter posts. How does it cost “zero dollars” you may ask? Because Biden just plans on robbing you, the American taxpayer, to pay for the package which in turn makes it “zero dollars.” Makes total sense!“ My Build Back Better Agenda costs zero dollars,” he tweeted. “Instead of wasting money on tax breaks, loopholes, and tax evasion for big corporations and the wealthy, we can make a once-in-a-generation investment in working America

  • Congrats to the Tea Party California Caucus—they had a dinner—eight miles from the convention hotel at a BBQ place.  Their speaker was Peggy Hall.  They had 107 people attending and turned away 7 more due to lack of space.  Peggy Hall got almost as many to hear her as the CRP did on Friday night to hear the Governor of New Hampshire—and those folks only needed an elevator to get to the banquet room.

 (Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know.  The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “Tom/Tom’s”.  This column is named in her honor.)