Illegal Immigration Is Not a ‘Victimless Crime’ – Just Look at Your Paycheck, Border Patrol Union Pres. Says

Ask the family of Kate Steinle if illegal aliens are a victimless crime?  Ask students in classes with a large number of illegal aliens, being taught in Spanish, if illegal immigration is victimless—or ask those who lost their jobs, especially the black community forced to live in sub standard housing and losing their jobs, if a person Biden sneaks into this country makes it a victimless crime.

“It’s believed to be the first ruling of its kind as GOP lawmakers and others urge governments and employers to create exemptions for persons who recovered from COVID-19 and demonstrate antibody levels.

U.S. District Judge James Selna in Santa Ana, California, said Thursday the university acted rationally in imposing a mandate designed to protect public health while failing to provide an exemption for those with natural immunity. 

The ruling denied a motion for a preliminary injunction by Aaron Kheriaty, a psychiatry professor at UC-Irvine.

Biden administration officials have pressed people with prior infection to get the shots. They say immunity from vaccines is easier to measure, and it is unclear how durable natural infection is in each person. And they point to a study in Kentucky that found persons with prior infection were twice as likely to be reinfected if they shirked the vaccine versus those who came forward for the shots.”

At least we can be honest—Biden and the Democrats are co-conspirators in tens of thousands of crime.

Illegal Immigration Is Not a ‘Victimless Crime’ – Just Look at Your Paycheck, Border Patrol Union Pres. Says

By Craig Bannister, cns news,   10/1/21  

 “When you look at enforcement at the border, this administration is a complete dumpster fire,” National Border Patrol Council Pres. Brandon Judd said Friday.

Discussing the illegal immigration crisis at the U.S. southwest border on Fox & Friends First, Judd said that the Biden Administration has a dangerous disinterest in the drugs and violent criminals illegally entering the U.S., because Democrats “want to appease their base”:

“When you look at enforcement at the border, this administration is a complete dumpster fire. It really doesn’t care what is coming across the borders. And that concerns me, because we want to go after the criminality at the border, we want to go after the drugs that are flowing into the United States.

“But, if our hands are tied continuing to deal with these large groups of migrants coming across, the cartels are going to be able to push those drugs across and they are killing children in the inner cities, the suburbs, the rural areas. And, that’s really the problem and that is why everybody should be upset at this White House.

“They are doing nothing to stop all of the dangerous products that are coming across the border, because our hands are tied, because they want to appease their base.”

Illegal immigration is not a “victimless crime,” Judd responded, when asked about DHS Sec. Alejandra Mayorkas’ claim that illegal immigrants aren’t worth the trouble of removing them from the country, because they’re just hard-working farmhands breaking their backs to put food on the table.

After recalling the tragic death of Kate Steinle at the hands of an illegal immigrant, Judd told viewers to consider all the money that’s coming out of their paychecks to fund social programs and services for illegal aliens:

“They talk about illegal immigration as being a victimless crime and that is not true. Look at Kate Steinle.

“But, not just that: look at how much money of your taxes are coming out of your paycheck every single month. A lot of that money is because of the social programs, the social welfare that we have to give to those people that are coming to the country illegally.

“It is not a victimless crime. We have laws for a purpose; we need to enforce those laws. Secretary Mayorkas is dead wrong.”