“I’m Vaccinated, But I Also Have Covid – And it Spread Through My Entire Family!” – CNBC Host Grills Fauci on Vaccine ‘Breakthrough’ Cases

No wonder Fauci wants you to double mask, social distance and just isolate yourself.  The “vaccine” does NOT protect you from the COVID-19 virus.  Ask Chris Rock if the virus was stopped by his taking the vaccine.

“Dr. Fauci on Friday was grilled on CNBC about so-called Covid ‘breakthrough’ cases.

“Dr. Fauci, you guys have been pushing the vaccine and I understand why – I’m vaccinated, but I also have Covid and it spread through my entire family in the past few weeks,” CNBC host Sara Eisen said from her home office.

She continued, “And I just wonder about the public messaging around vaccinations. Three vaccinated people got Covid in my house, two unvaccinated children got it. Are you too casual about the limitations of the vaccine? Because it does feel to me that breakthroughs are happening, they’re happening regularly and we haven’t really seen the government pay much attention to them or warn about them!”

It is looking more and more like the vaccines were created to keep drug companies healthy, not the public.  No other vaccine in history has such a poor record of protecting people—in the past the CDC would pull a drug even with a few deaths—not the tens of thousands recorded of those “fully” vaccinated.

“I’m Vaccinated, But I Also Have Covid – And it Spread Through My Entire Family!” – CNBC Host Grills Fauci on Vaccine ‘Breakthrough’ Cases (VIDEO)

By Cristina Laila, Gateway Pundit,   10/2/21

Dr. Fauci on Friday was grilled on CNBC about so-called Covid ‘breakthrough’ cases.

“Dr. Fauci, you guys have been pushing the vaccine and I understand why – I’m vaccinated, but I also have Covid and it spread through my entire family in the past few weeks,” CNBC host Sara Eisen said from her home office.

She continued, “And I just wonder about the public messaging around vaccinations. Three vaccinated people got Covid in my house, two unvaccinated children got it. Are you too casual about the limitations of the vaccine? Because it does feel to me that breakthroughs are happening, they’re happening regularly and we haven’t really seen the government pay much attention to them or warn about them!”

Fauci was visibly irritated and tried to interrupt Eisen, but she continued, “We were still able to get it and transmit it! Thank God we’re not in the hospital, I get it, I’m vaccinated but, you can get it and transmit it and the government hasn’t been warning about that!”

Fauci responded in his signature condescending tone: “Oh yes I am! We have said that and let me give you the science and the facts,” Fauci retorted as he rattled off vaccine statistics.