Murder Pandemic: Fourth Straight Month With More Homicides than COVID Deaths in Washington, D.C.

Dr. Fauci does not care about people being murdered—he only cares about being able to control the actions of every American—and he was never elected by anybody to anything—and h is a known liar that has caused the death of tens of thousands of people.

“For the fourth consecutive month, Washington, D.C., saw more of its residents murdered than died of COVID-19. Since July 1, 42 coronavirus deaths have been reported in the nation’s capital versus 77 homicide victims.

The district also had recorded 100 murders by early July, the earliest it had marked that grim number in nearly two decades. The average date over the past 10 years when the city hit 100 is Oct. 25.

You have a better chance of being murdered if you visit Washington D.C. than getting a virus.  In most cases the virus won’t kill you.  Too bad government prefers it virus to the protection of visitors and citizens.

Murder Pandemic: Fourth Straight Month With More Homicides than COVID Deaths in Washington, D.C.

By A.J. Kaufman,PJ Media,   10/4/21 

For the fourth consecutive month, Washington, D.C., saw more of its residents murdered than died of COVID-19. Since July 1, 42 coronavirus deaths have been reported in the nation’s capital versus 77 homicide victims.

The district also had recorded 100 murders by early July, the earliest it had marked that grim number in nearly two decades. The average date over the past 10 years when the city hit 100 is Oct. 25.

The number of homicides doubled COVID deaths during each of the three summer months as, like many major U.S. locales, Washington continues to grapple with a surge in murders.

Meanwhile, the World Health Organization last week reported a decline in new COVID-19 cases and deaths around the globe.

The WHO reported an estimated 3.3 million new infections and roughly 55,000 deaths during the past week, a decrease of 10 percent in both, with the largest drop-offs in the Middle East and the Americas. The number of cases in the U.S. fell by over 30 percent. Corporate media seemed intent on burying this good news story, perhaps for political reasons.

Despite the good news, Dr. Anthony Fauci rushed to the Sunday shows to remind people he’s uncertain whether he can permit them to enjoy Christmas gatherings for the second straight year.