Students destroy pro-life memorial at Pepperdine University

Pepperdine University was found as a Christian college.  Today it is a secular, hate filled campus, with the Administration, by its silence, approving of the murder of babies.

“Spencer Lindquist, the Pepperdine College Republicans president told Campus Reform that the pro-life display was meant to honor the 62 million lives lost to abortions since Roe v. Wade.

“After we used crosses on our Christian campus to memorialize the loss of 62 million lives, we were met with a vitriolic response; people tore down crosses, turned them upside down, covered our memorial, and posed for pictures smiling in front of the representation of 62 million aborted babies,” Lindquist said.

Lindquist also told Campus Reform that he hopes the university will take action and condemn “the suppression of Christian and conservative student voices and thereby reassure concerned students, alumni, families, and donors who fear that Pepperdine is abandoning its Christian ethic and founding mission.” 

Forget this is a place calling itself a Christian college.  Instead think about the Gestapo tactics of those who promote and applaud the murder of 62 million babies—a genocide.  Those involved need to be expelled and criminal charges brought against them.  Unlike then, Pepperdine can not claim to be Christian.

Students destroy pro-life memorial at Pepperdine University

A pro-life display set up by the Pepperdine University College Republicans was destroyed by pro-choice students.

The College Republicans chapter president told Campus Reform that he hopes the university takes action.

Campus Reform,  10/7/21 

A pro-life display set up by the Pepperdine University College Republicans was destroyed by pro-choice students who covered the bulletin board display with posters reading “No Uterus, No Opinion,” “My Body, My Choice,” and other messages.

On Tuesday, Sept. 28, Pepperdine College Republicans placed 620 crosses, one for every 100,000 of 62 million lives taken to abortion since Roe v Wade was enacted, according to Fox News. 

The crosses were placed on the Christian university’s Freedom Wall, which is a designatedbulletin board for students to exercise their right to free expression.

The protesters also modified the College Republicans poster which originally read “Lives Taken by Abortion since Roe V Wade” = “62 million” to read “62 million women saved by abortion since Roe V Wade.”

“God does NOT support the legislation of women’s bodies,” “don’t speak if you don’t have a uterus,” and “why not get a vasectomy” were among the other phrases placed over the pro-life display.

In a video provided to Campus Reform, one student asked the protester “Why are you taking down crosses at a Christian school?”

“Because I’m not a Christian,” she responded.

Spencer Lindquist, the Pepperdine College Republicans president told Campus Reform that the pro-life display was meant to honor the 62 million lives lost to abortions since Roe v. Wade.

“After we used crosses on our Christian campus to memorialize the loss of 62 million lives, we were met with a vitriolic response; people tore down crosses, turned them upside down, covered our memorial, and posed for pictures smiling in front of the representation of 62 million aborted babies,” Lindquist said.

Lindquist also told Campus Reform that he hopes the university will take action and condemn “the suppression of Christian and conservative student voices and thereby reassure concerned students, alumni, families, and donors who fear that Pepperdine is abandoning its Christian ethic and founding mission.” 

William Thompson, a freshman at Pepperdine University, told Campus Reform that the university is sending a message by their inaction on the situation.

“As a freshman, I have been appalled by the school’s utter passivity towards such blasphemous demonstrations. The right to uphold basic Christian ethics and morals should be respected on this campus, not sabotaged,” Thompson said.

Pepperdine University released a statement to Fox Newsbut did not directly address the incident.

“Pepperdine University is committed to free, open, and respectful speech on our campus, a commitment that is rooted in our Christian mission and ethos. We affirm that truth has nothing to fear from investigation. Thus, we believe that public debate on topics important to a free society is enhanced when members of our community freely and respectfully express their viewpoints,” Pepperdine said in a statement to Fox.

Cherise Trump, the executive director of Speech First, a pro-campus free speech organization, told Campus Reform that “It is disappointing to see students having such disregard for each other’s freedom of expression.

Pepperdine University is a Christian university located in Malibu, California. According to the university’s website, “Pepperdine is a Christian university committed to the highest standards of academic excellence and Christian values, where students are strengthened for lives of purpose, service, and leadership.”

Pepperdine University did not respond to a request for comment from Campus Reform.