L.A City Firefighters: From Heroes to Zeroes

If the L.A. City Council had its way, its firefighters would b filling taco shells, not protecting the community.  The politicians have figured out a way to end the careers of cops and firefighters—without defunding them, while making them into the devil.

“In August the Los Angeles City Council voted 13-0 to approve a law requiring all city employees to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Since then, a group of more than 600 L.A. City firefighters have banded together to sue the city of Los Angeles to prevent the mandate from being enforced.

While the results of that lawsuit are yet to be determined, come October 20th, those firefighters who have not been fully vaccinated will be terminated. At present, that means approximately 1,600 — nearly 50 percent — of the approximately 3,200 LAFD personnel will be unemployed. 

Thy will not b unemployed long—thy will go to work for Denver, Dallas, Orlando, Atlanta and many other cities.  Of course fire insurance rates will skyrocket because insurance companies insist that cities have adequate fire departments. 

We now have pilots on strike, nurses being fired causing hospitals to close beds and wings.  Cops are about to be fired—and now firefighters.  Society is coming apart—and all of this will come to a head by the end of October.

L.A City Firefighters: From Heroes to Zeroes

By Drew Allen ,American Thinker, 10/8/21 

People Notice When the Elites Lie

Shortly after the ‘War Against COVID’ began, the government designated two new categories of American citizens — the largely arbitrary classification of ‘essential’ and ‘nonessential’ workers. Firefighters and paramedics were deemed essential, for good reasons.

But now, like their colleagues on the frontline in the medical profession, these brave men and women — once heralded as heroes — are now scorned as villains.

In the state of California, they have gone from heroes to zeroes in the eyes of despotic Democrats, who have given them an ultimatum: get vaccinated or get fired.

In August the Los Angeles City Council voted 13-0 to approve a law requiring all city employees to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Since then, a group of more than 600 L.A. City firefighters have banded together to sue the city of Los Angeles to prevent the mandate from being enforced.

While the results of that lawsuit are yet to be determined, come October 20th, those firefighters who have not been fully vaccinated will be terminated. At present, that means approximately 1,600 — nearly 50 percent — of the approximately 3,200 LAFD personnel will be unemployed. 

I interviewed three L.A. City Firefighters, who are willing to sacrifice their careers and livelihoods to defend their constitutional and moral right to choose. These men aren’t mere statistical casualties in this un-American and asinine war against the American citizen. They have names, families to support, and mortgages to pay.

Two of the firefighters I interviewed, Jeff and Rob, are both married and in their 30s. Combined, they have nearly three decades of experience as paramedics in L.A. City. Jeff has two children and rents his home. His wife is a stay-at-home mom. He is the sole financial provider. 

Rob’s wife is a nurse. They own a home, have a mortgage, and want to start a family. But come October 20th, the livelihoods and careers of both Jeff and Rob will likely be destroyed — because they choose not to get vaccinated.

The mandates are purportedly “for the immediate protection of the public peace, health, and safety.” But CDC director Rochelle Walensky recently admitted that vaccines can’t prevent transmission. This admission negates the entire argument for these mandates. 

Jeff also pointed out that “most of us have gotten COVID, given it to our friends and family. We have natural immunity.” He also explained that because they wear goggles, N-95 respirators, gloves, and gowns, “we are the most protected person going into someone’s home.”

And while those they treat day in and day out have the right to choose or deny treatment, they do not. Jeff explained that “They have to make treatment decisions in life-threatening situations and dangerous circumstances on a day-to-day basis.” But while they’re entrusted to make treatment decisions for others, now they’re being told they can’t be trusted to make their own personal health decisions.

Still, their command staff insists that the L.A. City firefighters have the right to choose. But Jeff explained, “if they don’t choose what they want, they lose their jobs… that isn’t a choice, it’s an ultimatum.” They shouldn’t have to make a choice between getting vaccinated and losing their jobs.

And then there’s veteran L.A. County firefighter John Knox, who has even more to lose. He’s 53 years old and has been with the department for nearly 21 years. But because he was forced to take nearly two-and-a-half years off due to illness, he is just short of the 20 years required to collect his pension. If he gets fired on October 20th, he loses his job and his pension.

But Knox is willing to lose it all because he believes, “my freedom is more important than a paycheck.” More importantly, he explained with deep conviction that “this is a movement to restore liberty and freedom to this country.”

All three firefighters, John Knox, Jeff, and Rob, understand that this is bigger than them. John told me that “whatever happens in Los Angeles in California spreads across the rest of the country like wildfire.” These firefighters are truly selfless heroes.

Jeff explained, “I think of the kids out there, I think of the elderly, that are in skilled nursing facilities, the people that count on us for their daily medical care. There’s a lot of people that don’t have medical insurance and they rely on the 9-11 system for their care.”

But if L.A. City fires half their force later this month, the city will be crippled. “We are running an average of 1,500 to 2,000 calls a day,” Jeff explained. It is precisely those the mandates are supposedly intended to protect who will be hurt the most.

This is a fight for their freedom and ours. These brave men and women have sacrificed to serve and protect the citizens of Los Angeles day in and day out. Now they’re willing to do the same with their own careers and livelihoods, to serve and protect America. 

While Jeff, Rob, and John are zeroes in the eyes of L.A. City politicians, they are patriots and heroes in the eyes of tens of millions of Americans.