Colman: NO Satisfaction

Due to the tolerance for drugs, people in the bay Area are dying like Afghanis; in Taliban controlled Afghanistan.  Schools are losing enrollment, businesses are leaving the State.  The only growth industry left is crime.

It is no surprise that people have no satisfaction, like in the Rolling Stones song.  Prices are up, 25% of the nation’s unemployment is in California.  Our schools are going full KKK, teaching hate and bigotry are a requirement for graduation.

A poll published by the East Bay Times print edition on Sun., Oct 10, 2021, shows that Bay Area residents are, in 2021, upset — see the accompanying percentages — over the drought (84%), the water supply (80%), the crime rate (64%), wildfires (85%), and the cost of housing (92%).

According to the poll, 56% of Bay Area residents say they are likely to move out of the Bay Area in the next few years.

Oh, the other winner is U-Haul—they get a lot of business due to the corruption of Sacramento.

NO Satisfaction

By Richard Colman, exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  10/13/21

Enormous dissatisfaction has settled in over California’s Bay Area, the area in and near San Francisco.

A poll published by the East Bay Times print edition on Sun., Oct 10, 2021, shows that Bay Area residents are, in 2021, upset — see the accompanying percentages — over the drought (84%), the water supply (80%), the crime rate (64%), wildfires (85%), and the cost of housing (92%).

According to the poll, 56% of Bay Area residents say they are likely to move out of the Bay Area in the next few years.

With all this satisfaction, the time is ripe for drastic political change in the Bay Area (and possibly the rest of California.)

Instead of polarizing ideologues, Bay Area residents are, in all likelihood, willing to vote for candidates who promise to remove the current levels of dissatisfaction.

Centrists in both the Democratic Party and Republic Party of California are needed to break the so-called progressive Democratic monopoly in the state.  Also, the tendency to among Republicans to support hard-line, right-wing candidates must be abandoned.

The goal must be victory at the polls in 2022.

California has done well with centrist candidates.  Earl Warren, who was governor from 1943 to 1953, was so popular in his 1946 re-election campaign that he won both the Republican and Democratic primaries.  Running in the primary of both major parties was called “cross filing,” a practice that the State legislature banned in 1959.

In 2003 and 2006, the body-builder and Hollywood film star, Arnold Schwarzenegger, won, as a moderate Republican, the state’s governorship.

Currently, too many of California’s Republicans and Democrats are ideological extremists.

A new coalition of Republican and Democratic centrists is needed to solve California’s overwhelming promises.

To appeal to centrists, often called  moderates, the next candidate for governor of California should promise to be a problem-solver.  His (or her) platform should call for building additional water-supply facilities.  Such action might requires the sale of bonds (and a possible tax increase).  A courageous candidate should say that he may ask for some sacrifice from voters.

A promise to crack down on crime should be another part of the candidate’s platform.  Plans to “defund” the police and not punishing criminals must end.  Californians have a right to live in a safe environment, including the insides of their homes.

Many of California’s public schools are not performing adequately.  Local communities should be allowed to offer a choice between a traditional public school and a charter school.  A charter school is a public school that is free of much of the bureaucracy associated with a traditional public school.  In addition, a charter school is not burdened by public-employee unions.  Former President Bill Clinton, a moderate Democrat, supports charter schools.  Moderate Republicans and Democrats in California should encourage the development and existence of charter schools.

While the cost of housing in California is high, a future candidate for governor should let the free-market work.  If housing is too expensive, California’s residents are free to move to other states or countries.

What should a centrist candidate say about illegal immigration?  The answer is to build wall along the Califoria-Mexico border.  But the wall should have a door.  To enter California legally, an immigrant must show proficiency in English, have a job, be free of disease, and not have a criminal record.

Reform is needed — badly needed.  Californian’s must be willing to elect centrist candidates.  Moreover, the candidate for governor must be a centrist.

While electing centrists will involve compromise on the part of both of California’s major political parties, compromise will not stand in the way of fixing California’s malaise.

Californians need results, not inter-party or intra-party fights.