AT&T: We Support the KILLING of Future Customers—“Abortion is Beautiful”

How do you succeed as a company when your chief spokesperson thinks killing babies is a beautiful thing?  Why are you advertising for new customers when those speaking for your company believe baby killing is a good thing?

“Comedian-actress Milana Vayntrub, who is known to millions of TV viewers for playing cheerful saleswoman “Lily” in AT&T’s ubiquitous wireless commercials, has penned a personal essay in which she expresses gratitude for abortion, describing her own experience terminating her unwanted child as “no big deal.”

She also describes women as “all of us with a uterus” and abortions as a form of “essential health care.”

More interesting is whether she is anti-trans—“ She also describes women as “all of us with a uterus” Sounds anti-trans to me.

AT&T Commercial Star Milana Vayntrub: ‘I Am Grateful for the Beautifully Boring Abortion I Had’

DAVID NG, Breitbart,   2/8/22

Comedian-actress Milana Vayntrub, who is known to millions of TV viewers for playing cheerful saleswoman “Lily” in AT&T’s ubiquitous wireless commercials, has penned a personal essay in which she expresses gratitude for abortion, describing her own experience terminating her unwanted child as “no big deal.”

She also describes women as “all of us with a uterus” and abortions as a form of “essential health care.”

“Over the past decade, I’ve hardly thought about my abortion, except for when I think of those who may not have access to one,” she wrote in an essay for The Daily Beast.

Vayntrub uses her more recent experience of a difficult labor to argue why the Supreme Court should uphold Roe v. Wade.

“Now that I’ve experienced a full-term pregnancy and given birth, I find myself thinking about how imprisoning it would be to go through this if I didn’t choose it,” she wrote. “All of us with a uterus may soon be stripped of the constitutional right to an abortion. Forced pregnancy and birth sounds medieval—as medieval as secret, unsafe abortions. And yet, here we are.”