$90 Million for Bridge Over Freeway—so Illiterate Animals Can go to the Other Side

The old joke is why did the chicken cross the street?  Now Newsom is putting this joke into action.  He is going to spend $90 million—while we have too few cops, homeless encampments everywhere, schools are losing students, colleges have become indoctrination/racist headquarters and people need health care.

At either side of the new bridge I guess they will have a sign, “Animal Crossing only—No people, bikes or skateboards”.  Think a mountain lion or rabbit will be able to read that?   Next to the $150 billion train to nowhere, this has to be one of the biggest scams in California.

“The wildlife bridge will be situated on the 101 Freeway in Agoura Hills, an area that sees over 300,000 cars pass through daily. Currently, that heavy traffic flow impedes travel for wildlife between the Santa Monica Mountains, the Simi Hills, and the Santa Susana Mountains.

With the wildlife bridge, animals will be able to safely cross the high-traffic area and successfully migrate between the Santa Monica Mountains, the Simi Hills, and the Santa Susana Mountains, as they once did in the past.”

But who is going to teach the mountain lion to read?

Wildlife Bridge Over 101 Freeway To Break Ground In January 2022

Malorie Thompson, Rainforest Site,  12/22/21  https://blog.therainforestsite.greatergood.com/liberty-canyon-wildlife-bridge/#:~:text=People%20have%20been%20working%20to%20see%20a%20wildlife,break%20ground%20on%20the%20project%20in%20early%202022.

People have been working to see a wildlife bridge built over 101 freeway at Liberty Canyon for years, and that dream is finally becoming a reality. They’re expecting to break ground on the project in early 2022.

According to a press release by The National Wildlife Federation, Wallis Annenberg and the Annenberg Foundation donated a whopping $25 million to see a wildlife crossing be built across a high-traffic area in Los Angeles. Thanks to that donation and other funds raised for the project, Caltrans announced the project will begin in January 2022.

In an interview with LA Times, Sheik Moinuddin, a Caltrans project manager, explained that the bridge will likely be out for bid next month and construction will begin in January 2022. Margolese Prize shared a photo of the expected design on Instagram:

The unprecedented wildlife crossing will help facilitate the safe travel of countless animals in the Los Angeles area. The bridge was initially pushed for in an effort to #SaveLACougars but will have a huge positive impact on other wildlife as well.

According to The National Wildlife Federation, the bridge, which will be the largest wildlife crossing in the world, “will reconnect a long-fragmented ecosystem, a biodiversity hotspot, and help protect the endangered mountain lion population and other wildlife that make their home in the Santa Monica Mountains.”


The wildlife bridge will be situated on the 101 Freeway in Agoura Hills, an area that sees over 300,000 cars pass through daily. Currently, that heavy traffic flow impedes travel for wildlife between the Santa Monica Mountains, the Simi Hills, and the Santa Susana Mountains.

With the wildlife bridge, animals will be able to safely cross the high-traffic area and successfully migrate between the Santa Monica Mountains, the Simi Hills, and the Santa Susana Mountains, as they once did in the past.

California Department of Fish and Wildlife Director, Charlton H. Bonham, said, “Implementation of the Wallis Annenberg Wildlife Overpass Crossing will be a huge benefit to mountain lion and other important species in Southern California and will protect the important biodiversity of this region.”

California Secretary for Natural Resources, Wade Crowfoot, added, “This is a huge step forward. Not only will this crossing at Liberty Canyon be the largest wildlife crossing of its kind in the world, it is emblematic of the bold and creative solutions we need to protect California’s wildlife as our state continues to grow.” He went on to say that “nature-based solutions like this crossing are also essential for combatting the climate crisis and our work to conserve 30 percent of California’s land and coastal waters by 2030.”

It’s nice to see people working together to accomplish such an important feat and save the environment and wildlife in the process!