US Army Reduces Its Numbers as It Struggles to Find Recruits Who Want to Enter Military Under Joe Biden

Would you join an organization that mandates you take a jab or gene therapy, without being told the risks?  Classes are being held with military personnel, not on how to fight a war or use equipment, but to explain how to be sensitive to others.  Would you trust a demented Joe Biden to be your Commander in Chief?  No wonder people with a brain and want to serve their country are no longer willing to be fodder for the Biden New World Order.

** 13 US military men and women were slaughtered by an Islamic terrorist Joe Biden let out of the prison at Bagram Air Base.

** Last year, in 2021, the US military targeted Republican naval officers with phony investigations to get them kicked out of the US military.

** Democrat lawmakers used the anti-American hate group SPLC and “cancel culture” to attack members of the US military.

** The Biden administration imprisoned several US veterans for participating in the protests on January 6, 2021, including US veterans who never entered the US Capitol that day.”

US Army Reduces Its Numbers as It Struggles to Find Recruits Who Want to Enter Military Under Joe Biden

By Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit,  4/3/22   

Biden is as dangerous for the US military as he is for the American public.

** In 2021 Joe Biden abandoned US bases in Afghanistan and armed the Taliban with $80 billion in US military equipment.

** 13 US military men and women were slaughtered by an Islamic terrorist Joe Biden let out of the prison at Bagram Air Base.

** Last year, in 2021, the US military targeted Republican naval officers with phony investigations to get them kicked out of the US military.

** Democrat lawmakers used the anti-American hate group SPLC and “cancel culture” to attack members of the US military.

** The Biden administration imprisoned several US veterans for participating in the protests on January 6, 2021, including US veterans who never entered the US Capitol that day.

** Joe Biden faced a massive class-action lawsuit over his vaccine mandates for the US military.

So it should be no surprise that the US Army is struggling to find recruits who want to enter the US military under the current regime. reported:

The Army this week admitted it was having problems recruiting and announced an unprecedented reduction in its numbers that would shrink the active duty Army to its smallest size since World War II.

 “We’re facing, obviously, some challenging conditions in terms of our ability to recruit and attract talent,” Under Secretary of the Army Gabe Camarillo said at a press conference on Monday.

Camarillo blamed a “very tight labor market” for the Army’s recruiting woes.

“What we’re just seeing is given the particular conditions of a very tight labor market, our ability to meet all of our projected recruiting goals were a little bit challenged in FY ’22 and FY ’23,” he said.

Camarillo said the Army’s end strength, or total number of forces, would go from 485,000 soldiers currently to 476,000 in fiscal year 2022, which ends in September, and further down to 473,000 in fiscal year 2023.