Sacramento Bee: California’s 107 Gun Controls Do Not Stop Mass Shootings

Under Newsom 15 new gun laws have been put on the books.  A total of 107 laws, the most in the nation.  So what caused the massacre of Sacramento a few days ago?  Gavin Newsom.  He allowed a criminal who had a ten year sentence to only serve four years—while the DA told the Parole Board, controlled by Newsom, and paroles are approved by Newsom, that if this guy gets out he will go back to crime.  Now six are dead, not because of a gun, but because Newsom wants to empty the jails.

“Breitbart News has noted that California has universal background checks, an “assault weapons” ban, a “high capacity” magazine ban, a red flag law, gun registration requirements, a 10-day waiting period on gun purchases, a limit on the number of guns a law-abiding citizen can buy each month, a “good cause” requirement for concealed carry permit issuance, a ban on “ghost guns” that lack a serial number, a background check requirement for ammunition purchases, and numerous other controls.

The Bee notes that 15 gun controls have been signed into law in California just since Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) took office.”

Guns do not kill people, people kill people.  In this case Gavin Newsom helped pull the trigger.

Sacramento Bee: California’s 107 Gun Controls Do Not Stop Mass Shootings

AWR HAWKINS, Breitbart,   4/4/22  

On April 4, 2022, the Sacramento Bee published a column that noted that California has “107 different gun-control laws,” all of which have failed to stop committed attackers from opening fire on innocents in the state.

The Bee pointed to Sunday’s shooting in Sacramento, noting that local politicians, national politicians, and gun control advocates across the country have called for more gun controls in response to the incident. Yet the Bee asks, “But what else can California’s lawmakers do to restrict guns that they haven’t already done — and have their laws survive the inevitable challenge by Second Amendment advocates?”

California already has more stringent gun controls that any state in the Union; Michael Bloomberg-affiliated Everytown for Gun Safety ranks California number one for “Gun Law Strength.”

Breitbart News has noted that California has universal background checks, an “assault weapons” ban, a “high capacity” magazine ban, a red flag law, gun registration requirements, a 10-day waiting period on gun purchases, a limit on the number of guns a law-abiding citizen can buy each month, a “good cause” requirement for concealed carry permit issuance, a ban on “ghost guns” that lack a serial number, a background check requirement for ammunition purchases, and numerous other controls.

The Bee notes that 15 gun controls have been signed into law in California just since Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) took office.

The paper also observes, “California has 107 different gun-control laws on the books, more than any other state, according to a database maintained by the Boston University School of Public Health.”

A question that remained unasked by the authors of the Bee column: What if California is teaching open-minded observers that gun control actually empowers criminals?