Joe Biden Responds to Sacramento Shooting by Pushing Existing California Gun Controls

Joe Biden has totally lost it.  Due to the Sacramento massacre, he wants us to pass “new” gun control laws.  Except, the new laws are already on the books.

“California already bans ghost guns.

California has required background checks for all gun sales since the 1990s.

California has banned “assault weapons” since the 1990s.

California bans “high capacity” magazines.

Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) is pushing to allow private citizens to sue gun makers.

Additionally, California has a red flag law, gun registration requirements, a 10-day waiting period on gun purchases, a “good cause” requirement for concealed carry permit issuance, a ban on campus carry for self-defense, a ban on teachers carrying on K-12 campuses for classroom defense, and a limit on the number of guns law-abiding citizens can buy each month.

California also requires would-be purchasers to pass a background check before acquiring ammunition.

 Be afraid, this demented man, Biden, has control of our military and the bomb.  Feel safe?

Joe Biden Responds to Sacramento Shooting by Pushing Existing California Gun Controls

AWR HAWKINS, Breitbart,   4/4/22  

President Joe Biden responded to the Sacramento shooting by pushing gun laws the state of California already has in place.

Breitbart News reported six people were killed and numerous others injured early Sunday morning when gunfire rang out near 10th and J Streets.

Police noted there were multiple gunmen involved in the shooting and the incident was preceded by a fight.

CNN quoted Sacramento Police Chief Kathy Lester saying, “We know that a large fight took place just prior to the shootings. And we have confirmed that there are multiple shooters.”

Moreover, KCRA points out that police recovered a stolen gun at the scene of the shooting.

FOX News observed Biden responded by pushing Congress to pass more gun control. The president said:

Ban ghost guns. Require background checks for all gun sales. Ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. Repeal gun manufacturers’ immunity from liability. Pass my budget proposal, which would give cities more of the funding they need to fund the police and fund the crime prevention and intervention strategies that can make our cities safer. These are just a few of the steps Congress urgently needs to take to save lives.

California already bans ghost guns.

California has required background checks for all gun sales since the 1990s.

California has banned “assault weapons” since the 1990s.

California bans “high capacity” magazines.

Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) is pushing to allow private citizens to sue gun makers.

Additionally, California has a red flag law, gun registration requirements, a 10-day waiting period on gun purchases, a “good cause” requirement for concealed carry permit issuance, a ban on campus carry for self-defense, a ban on teachers carrying on K-12 campuses for classroom defense, and a limit on the number of guns law-abiding citizens can buy each month.

California also requires would-be purchasers to pass a background check before acquiring ammunition.