Dr. Colman reminds us what we should always know—government is greedy, radical and corrupt.  It is not the drought, bad luck, bad schools or even racism.  The cause of poverty is government policies.  High taxes, crazy employment laws.  But the crooks running government tell us if only we impoverish ourselves and give our assets to government, obey government and treat government as a cult, we will survive.  And that is the problem. Government is not a cult that you can voluntarily obey, it is organized crime making sure it owns you and your possessions.

For instance young people have borrowed over one trillion to go to college.  Now that they got their education they are begging NOT to pay back the loans.  One lady in TV has not paid a dime on her loan in three years—instead she bought a home.  That means you and I are paying for her decisions—who is looking out for us?


By Richard Colman, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views  4/8/22 

Grab your wallet and grab it tightly. 

Government wants more of your money. 

One person who wants more of your money is Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Massachusetts).  For years, she had been proposing a wealth tax, a tax on one’s assets, not just one’s income. 

The trouble is that almost all Americans already have a wealth tax.  The tax goes by the name of the property tax, a fee levied on the value of one’s home or other real estate.  

Usually, a wealth tax is levied on an asset when the asset is sold.  However, a wealth or property tax is levied on an individual’s real estate before any sale takes place. 

Suppose that someone in America owns a painting by Pablo Picasso.   Let’s assume that the owner recently paid $1 million for the painting.  If the owner recently had the painting appraised for $5 million, would that owner, under a wealth tax, be taxed on $1 million or $5 million?  The answer may lie in some government bureaucrat’s deciding on the tax rate. 

Take Philadelphia, the city of brotherly love.  According to The Bottom Line (April 1, 2022):  “Philadelphia City Councilmember Kendra Brooks, launched ‘Philly’s Wealth Tax’ campaign . . . in an effort to fight economic inequality.  The proposed tax would tax wealth in stocks and bonds at a maximum rate of 0.4%, with the exception of retirement funds, mutual funds and exchange trade [sic] funds.” 

And there’s more.  California has established a reparations task force.  According, again, to The Bottom Line (April 1, 2022), “California’s reparations task force has voted 5-4 to only provide reparations to Black Californians who can prove their direct lineage to their enslaved ancestors.” 

So there you have it:  Government wants more of your money. 

And don’t forget, April 15, tax day, is just over a week away. 

As was stated above, grab your wallet and grab it tightly.