While the California Political News and Views will not be covering the June Primary, race by race, if there is a significant development, we will report it.  For years the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association has either endorsed a Republican for major statewide office, or decided not to endorse anybody.  The California Party establishment is running State Senator Brian Dahle for Governor.  But the Jarvis folks just endorsed Michael Shellenberger, an unknown to most people in California, for Governor.

And, he is NOT a Republican—he is running as AN INDEPENDENT.  This is a major statement on the part of an important part of the interest groups that usually support Republican candidates.

“I am honored and proud to receive the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association PAC’s endorsement; It is the gold standard for protecting California taxpayers and holding government accountable,” said Shellenberger, a no-party-preference candidate for governor.”

As noted previously, I am not endorsing any candidate for statewide office in the June Primary.  But, this is a significant development in the continued problems of the California Republican Party.  You will find out more of the effort to limit the California GOP, by the California GOP. In the HEARD ON THE TOM TOM columns in the coming days.


Shellenberger for Governor,  4/21/22 

“A Serious Candidate for California’s Very Serious Problems”

SACRAMENTO – Calling him “a serious candidate for California’s very serious problems,” the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association (HJTA) Political Action Committee (PAC) today announced it has endorsed Michael Shellenberger for governor.

“Michael Shellenberger recognizes that not only are taxes too high, but Californians are not getting a return on investment for their tax dollars,” said HJTA President Jon Coupal.

“I am honored and proud to receive the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association PAC’s endorsement; It is the gold standard for protecting California taxpayers and holding government accountable,” said Shellenberger, a no-party-preference candidate for governor.

“Californians pay among the highest taxes in the nation and are not seeing very much in return. We need to rededicate those tax dollars to solving California’s humanitarian crisis of homelessness, refocusing education for the children, not the adults, and pursuing a policy agenda focused on abundance not scarcity of water, energy and infrastructure,” he added.

Founded in 1978, the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association is widely considered the most influential taxpayer advocacy group in California, with hundreds of thousands of members statewide.