Steve Frank is BACK!!!!  An Explanation

Steve Frank is BACK!!!!  An Explanation

Steve Frank, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  4/25/22 

It has been a little over two weeks since I have consistently, on a daily basis, provided the California Political News and Views.  Many have texted, emailed and called me to ask about the lack of the newsletter.

On April 7 I had two major surgeries.  Due to that I have been in bed for most of the past two weeks, except to go to the hospital or for doctor visits.  The recovery has taken longer than expected and has been more painful than expected.  Sunday, yesterday, was the first day I have been able to sit up in a regular chair for more than a few minutes.  My doctors say it will be another 2-4 weeks before I am completely recovered.  It is expected that I will now be able to provide a newsletter on its regular schedule.

I want to thank all those who have prayed for me, sent their good wishes and are concerned about my health.  In order to get better as quickly as possible, I have severely limited taking phone calls, or responding to emails or text messages.  For five days I did not respond to anybody.

Please if you have any political tips, political foibles or corruption, continue to send me your information,

Now that we are 197 days from the November 8 election and about 40 days from the June primary, the HEARD ON THE TOMS TOMS column will be published more often.  The mainstream media covers up the problems of political parties and candidates—the California Political News and Views will expose them.

As always we will provide information on politics and policy you will not get elsewhere—and an analysis of what it means, along with the history of the issue.

Again, thank you for your support and prayers.  Together, we will make a difference at the polls and in the community.